Afraid~ Chapter 22

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~y/n's POV~

I soon woke up, only to hear nothing. I was, of course, still in my fox form. I sniffed the air, searching for Tess' coyote scent, but there was no sign of it. I breathed a sigh of relief as I turned to the sleeping form of Lee.

I rolled my eyes as I took a deep breath and started to paw at the mutant girl. Eventually, her bright blue eyes fluttered open. She stared at me, staying quiet until....

"Urgh, back off foxy, Im sleeping." She muttered as she closed her eyes again and turned around in bed. I attempted a dead pan look as I used my tail to force open one of her eyes. Once I was sure she could see me, I then bared my teeth, silently threatening to bite her.

Lee rolled her eyes before forcing herself to sit up. "By the way, y/n, I think you should really talk to them. You aren't running from them because you are angry, you are scared." She could always read me think an open book.

I simply nodded before curling up in a ball, covering my fox snout with my bright orange tail.

(I'm sorry it's shorter, I will update tomorrow to make up for it. But after that, I will update at least once a week.)

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