Watch Your Language~ Chapter 28

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~Y/n's POV~

I woke up, and smile happily when I realized I was back to normal. "Yes!" I exclaim happily before exiting my bedroom. Before going to the dining room for breakfast, I went to Charles' office. I walked there quickly, and luckily, I had woken up before majority of the rest of the inhabitants of the school.

I softly knocked on the door and awaited for a reply.

"Come in Y/n."

I heard. I took that as my cue and opened the door a smidge, to poke my head in. I smile at Xavier and enter the office fully. I told him that I would never get used to the fact that he uses his telepathy to tell who is knocking on the door. He smiles and laughs.

"Anyways, I want your opinion on something." I told him, and he nodded.

"You want my opinion on whether to stay here or to go back with your friends." I nod my head, and await for him continue and tell me what he thinks. He is silent for a few moments. What is he going to say? What am I going to do anyways? I want to stay at both places, but that is physically impossible.

"Well what do you want to do?"

My eyes narrow towards the professor as my hands create a small flame within my fists, my patience shorting the smallest bit. "I am not sure, that's why I came to you!" I exclaimed, extinguishing the small fires in my hands.

He chuckled, and explained his joke, before giving me actual advice.

I would say, first go back with the Avengers, earn their trust again and become close again. If everything becomes better and you enjoy your time there, stay there, but if it does not turn out to be the way you wanted, then you are always welcome back here." He says, giving me a smile. I smile back, then lean down to give him a hug, to which he returns.

After a small exchange of goodbyes, I leave his office, and went to the dining hall for breakfast. There I found the few Avengers that are visiting the mutant school sitting at the same table as Kitty, Logan and Alex.

I smiled at my friends, which they return the gesture. A few commented on my changing back from being a fox, adding some jokes here a there. I chuckle out loud as I grab my food and sit down in between Kitty and Logan.

As soon as I reach up to grab my fork and knife, Logan grabs my palms. "What the hell Logan?!" I curse, really wanting to be able to eat, as I felt that I was starving. He rips his gaze from my palms and looks up at me with a smirk.

"What is Xavier say this time?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and ripped my hands out of his grip.

"He was being a smartass. He forgot how short of a temper I get after changing again." I huff while stuffing (favorite breakfast food) in my mouth. Kitty, Logan and Alex all laugh before resuming to eating their food.

"Watch you language." I heard Steve mumble under his breath. I look up at him.

"Okay grandpa," I retorted, making the whole table laugh, except for Pietro.

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