Get Tess~ Chapter 23

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Lee rolls her eyes at my attempt to 'hide myself from reality.'

"I'm serious y/n. I've made the mistake of running away from my problems and fears and it didn't turn out too well. I won't let you, my mentor and my friend, make the same mistake I did."

Lee has a dead serious look dawning her features. And, honestly, it kind of scared me. I had never seen Lee this serious before. She was a very goofy person. I slowly removed my tail from my snout and sat up.

Having no other way to communicate with Lee, I started to growl in Morse code. Thank the lord that I had taken the time to learn it while I was at Hydra.

"Grooowwwwlll grooowwwlll whimper... whimper... grooowwwlll. Grooowwwlll... whimper... whimper whimper whimper whimper... whimper whimper whimper whimper." The long growls represented the dashes and the short and small whimpers represented the dots.

Lee looked up, thinking to herself, concentrating of figuring out what it was I was trying to tell her. She mumbled to herself from a minute before humming to herself. "Get... Tess." I nodded, telling her that she was correct.

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