New Recruit▫️Chapter 2

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**Y/n's POV**

    Today I was going to speak with Director Fury about a job S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm super nervous. After the meeting I'm going to get to know the avengers better. I was sitting outside his office with Nat while Fury watches the video of me sparring with Nat. I take a deep breath. Nat grabs my hand and i look up at her. She gives me a warm smile and i return it. The door opens and Nat and I look up at Fury. He signals for me, and only me to come inside. I take a another deep breath and enter. I sit in a chair and look at Fury. He looks in my eyes and it's just silence. We stay like this for a few more seconds when he finally speaks. "What is happening here?" He asks me while he turns his computer screen to me for me to watch the video. I look up at him. "I was reading Natasha's thoughts to get myself angry enough to reach my full potential." I answer. He nods his head. "And what was she thinking to make you angry?" He asks me. "My past." I answer. "Why did you have to read her thoughts? Why not thinking of it yourself?" "So i could get a look of what it looked like from another person's view." He nods again. "Care to demonstrate your powers." I nod my head and set a coffee mug aflame then stopped. I placed the coffee mug down then I shape shift into a replica of himself. I turn into a five foot fox, then back to myself. I smile. "I also have super smarts and heightened senses." "Now. What is your past?" that was his final question. My smile fades. I tell him my past. When I finish he was frowning. "To be honest that is a pretty bad past. But welcome to the team." He smiles again. I turn into a fox again. (Because she is so excited that she couldn't help it) If foxes could smile I would probable have a smile that the Cheshire Cat would be proud of. "Thank You." I say as I turn back into my normal form. I exit his office and look at Nat. She gives me and expectant look. I smile and nod. She jumps up from her chair and pulls me into a bear hug. I hug her back. "Now let's go tell the others." She suggests with a smile plastered on her face. I nod.


    Natasha and I are in the elevator in Avenger's Tower up to the main floor. I still have a smile plastered on my face. When the elevator doors open I quickly turn into a cheetah. Natasha walks out of the elevator and I hear her greet the other Avengers. "Hey I would like you guys to meet the new avenger." She says. I walk out still in my cheetah form. Everyone has confused looks on their faces. Pietro speed runs to me. "I bet I can still run faster than the Cheetah." He says. "Why is their a cheetah in the living room?" Tony asks. "She's our new member." Natasha replies. I look at wanda and see that she read our minds and knows of her plans. She smiles at me. I wink at her. I then shapeshift into a hawk and fly up and land on Clint's head. Everyone gasps. "Lady Widow. I am very confused." Thor says. "Yeah. What's going on here." I then turn into my main Shape shift, the fox. It's not five feet tall. That's my 3rd main form. My main form is the human form i was born in and the 2nd is the normal size fox. My fox form is bright fire red like the ends of my human hair. I sit on the couch in my small fox form next to Wanda. Everyone is just staring, wide eyed with confused faces. Natasha and Wanda broke out laughing. Everyone just has confused looks. Nat looks at me and tells me to go back to my normal form. I do so and also broke out laughing. Everyone just stares at me. Finally Bruce speaks up. "So is it true that you are now an Avenger." I stop laughing and nod my head with a smile on my face. "I'm glad to have a new addition to the team." Clint says. It was true that good things come out of bad things.

(Sorry it's short)

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