Backstory▫️Chapter 4

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**Pietro's POV**

I have grown to like Y/n. Maybe a little more like form a crush on her. When Tony asked that I was afraid that he would make her cry again at the memory. I hit the back of his head. I then hear her giggle. It was so cute. I blush. Y/n is just so cute and funny, and her shyness is adorable. She is also really pretty and she is just different. I really want to break down her shell more. "Ugh. How did I calm down so fast?" Bruce asked as he got up off the ground. Everyone points at Y/n and she blushes and smiles sheepishly. She nods her head. "Thank you Y/n." Bruce said. She nods her head. "Well I'm going back to the lab." Tony says. I walk back into the kitchen with the others trailing behind me. Luckily the hulk didn't break anything except for a window.

**Y/n's POV**

I've been with the avengers for over a month and we have only gone on a few small missions. Right now I am having dinner with the avengers. As I'm finishing up my phone goes off. I stand up from the dinner table and walk into the living to answer the phone call. "Hello?" I ask. "Hello. Is this Y/n Dale?" A female voice says. "Yes. I am she." "I'm sorry to inform you, but your brother, Max Dale, was just found dead." "What?" "Your brother died in a car accidentally." By now tears were streaming down my face. "Ok. Thank you." "I'm truly sorry dear." "Thank you. Bye." "Bye." I end the call and collapse on the floor. "I can't believe he's gone." I mutter. I bury my head in my hands. Now my whole family is gone. I shape shift into a cheetah and run out of the kitchen, through the kitchen and into my room. I ignored them calling my name. I quickly turn into my human form and lock the door before pietro could run in here, knowing him he sped up here. I slide my back down the door and bury my head in my hands and continue to sob. I hear them banging on my door and asking for me to let them in. "Come on y/n. Let us in." Bruce said. "No." I said in between sobs. Soon realizing that they weren't going to go away. "Natasha. You can come in. No one else." I said. Soon the door was opened and Natasha sat on my bed beside me. I use my telekinesis to close the door and lock it. I look up at her. "He's gone." I said. She suddenly understood who I meant and hugged me. I continued to sob. "I..I should h-have been there. I-I could have s-saved h-him. It's all my f-fault." I said in sobs. Tears continued to streak my face. My eyes puffy red from crying. "No it's not your fault. You didn't know his was going to happen" she told me. Soon I calmed down and unlocked my door. The rest of the avengers spilled into my room. Wanda sat on the other side of me. Tony stood and Steve, Thor, Clint and Bruce all sat on a couch and Pietro sat in my desk chair. I look at Natasha and she nods her head. I look at Wanda and she does the same. "I guess I should tell you guys my past now." I take a deep breath. "It started when I was 9 and my brother, Max, was 5. My father was apart of of Hydra and my mother was a housewife. Of course my mother didn't know that my father worked for hydra. Anyway, when I turned 9 my father had taken me to Hydra and experimented on me. They had given me the powers I had today. My father did this and trained me to work for Hydra. I didn't know what Hydra's intention was for me or for the world. One day I stumbled into his office and saw their plans. I waited till my dad was not home and had my brother and my sister run away. I knew that if I came with him that I would only bring them into the mess. I stayed home and refused to work my Hydra. My mother and I were abused by my father. I had no one except my mother and Natasha, my friend. I lived with the abuse for 7 more years. My mother would encourage me to stay strong and not give in. She was abused for helping me. When it was coming to the middle of 7 years my mother could not take it anymore and.... And" I was choking down my sobs. Wanda places a hand on my back and rubbed it. "And she killed herself." I continued. "A week after her death I went to see Natasha but she was nowhere to be seen. I was alone. I dealt with the abuse for 2 more years and I was 18. One day I finally ran away and I came to America. And I just found out that my brother had died in an accident. I have no other family besides my father, which I am never visiting." As I finish my story I look up at their shocked faces. I sadly chuckle and use the back of my hand to wipe away my tears. I'm happy to let that out but I'm still sad about my brother.

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