Beckoning~ Chapter 24

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During the few minutes after Lee left to room, in search of my sister, I took a miniature nap, because I had a hard time sleeping last night.

~With Lee~

Lee walked down the halls of Xavier's school/home. She actually didn't know where the small group of heroes was staying and had to end up going to Charles' office. She sighed to herself and turned a corner. The brunette stalked down the hall way, walking pretty quick as to get it over with sooner. Right as Lee was about to knock on the wooden door, a voice rung out.

"You may enter." Lee rolled her eyes as she entered the room.

"I will never get over you doing that." She mumbled, then continued. "Anyways, could you please tell me where the Avengers are telling me?"

"Sure, though I will have Logan guide you." Charles became quiet as he focused on communicating telepathically. A couple moments later, Logan entered the room. Without saying anything, he beckoned Lee to follow him as he walked through the halls. He didn't seem to be in the best mood so they both just stayed quiet.

Eventually the came upon a couple rooms. Logan gestured to the closed doors, then walked away to wherever he wanted to go. Lee then turned. Not knowing which room Tess was in, she closed her eyes and used her telepathy. 'Hello Tess, this is Lee. Please exit your room and meet me at the top of the stairs.'

A second later, the door farthest from Lee opened, revealing Y/n's younger sister. Lee smiled at the girl before making a gesture, showing that she wanted her to follow her. Tess nodded and did as told.

"Y/n finally decided to talk to you guys, but she wanted to speak to you first before the rest." Tess grinned and began to speed up, wanting to talk to her sister sooner rather than later.

~With Y/n~

While they were gone, Alex had entered the room, which had awoken me from my short nap. I yawned, baring my large, pointy canine teeth. Some of the other mutants had tried to ship the two of us, but honestly, he is like a brother to me. He acts so much like my brother when I knew him.

Alex waves at me then sits on the bed, next to me. "Are you going to talk to them?" I nod before starting to growl and whimper, in an attempt to communicate with the boy in Morse code.

'Lee is getting Tess.'

Alex nods, then, probably because he is bored and needed to do something with his hands, proceeds to bed my bright red and orange fur.

"Y/n?" Tess asked as she entered the room.

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