Apology~ Chapter 26

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I look up at the Avengers, who all adorned happy expression. If a fox could smile, I would have the largest grin ever, but I had to simply rely on them getting the hint from how fast and ferociously I was wagging my large, puffy red tail.

Tess sat next to me, and stared down at my tail. I then began to make out the message with the beats of my tail. At first, the heroes were confused as to why I was wagging my tail in such a strange pattern, until Steve spoke up. "It's morse code!"

"Excuse me?" Thor asked, thinking that what Steve had said was another language.

"It is something used in the army and my spies. A pattern of repeated taps and pauses form a letter. What she is doing is that as she taps her tail then lifts it up, if forms a dot, then when she places her tail down and does not lift it, it references a dash. The pattern and form of the dots and dashes made together form words. This code is used to secretly give messages so that the enemy does not figure out what is being said." Cap explained. I nodded my small fox head, though continued my message. As soon as I was done, Tess turned to the others and translated.

"She says she is so sorry for what she had done. For getting mad, fighting you guys and refusing to cooperate. Though, she does not totally regret it as it allowed her to meet all of these people and to find something new about herself. She wishes that you would forgive her."

Each of them nodded, glad that the drama had finally come to an end. After having a small conversation which contained explanations of what had been happening lately, the Avengers left the room, allowing Pietro to enter. I gave him a glare, still slightly angry at him. His sighed and sat in an open chair, opposite of my bed.

"Look, I'm sor-" He was cut off by me repeatedly tapping my tail. Tess' head shot to my direction as she quickly started to decipher my message. The speedster stayed quiet, allowing my sister to focus on the morse code.

Eventually, after about five minutes, when I was done, Tess spoke up. "Y/n accepts your apology but she is a bit mad at you for being so rude to her. Anyways, she would like to apologize for being so easily convinced that the Avengers were the bad guys and for being so easily turned to Hydra's side. She can never forgive herself for it. She is also very sorry for being to stubborn to talk to you." Pietro gives a small smile and nods.

"I forgive you, but I would like to talk about this more when we return the tower." This sentence made me stop. The tower. That means, I must leave Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. 

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