onze ~ I get to see Panic! and Fall out boy tomorrow oops <3

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Dan's POV

"Shouldn't we wake him up? The officers will be here any second, and I think he wants to know what's going on with the door and everything." I hear PJ's voice whisper from outside my door.

"No, let him sleep. He really does need it with everything going on," Chris whispers back and I hear them walk away from my door. I groan slightly and roll over to be on my back. I hardly slept at all and I didn't expect myself to. Which, they are right, I definitely do need my sleep, but I don't really think I'll be able to get a good night's rest until I have Phil back in my arms.

I check my phone to see what the time was. 9:35. The officers should be here really soon and I probably should get dressed and ready.

I swing my legs on the side of the bed to sit up and look around the room. God dammit I don't want to get up. I run my hands through my hair and try to get my fringe to go in the right place. I stand up and go over to my dresser, looking for my eclipse shirt. God dammit, he took that too! I groan and grab one of Phil's jumpers, and pull on a pair of skinny jeans, doing a little dance because of how hard they are to get on, and walk slowly out of the room.

I go to the lounge where Chris and PJ were and they look up at me smiling.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" PJ says goofily and I give a small chuckle to walk over and sit on the couch heavily.

"You woke me up you douche bags," I say and they avoid eye contact with me, looking embarrassed.

"Sorry," Chris says.

"It was Chris's fault!" PJ says loudly and points at him.

"PJ!" Chris whined and we all burst out in a fit of laughter. For once, I actually feel quite happy. "Sorry, I just thought you'd want to be up when they get here," he says and I wave it off.

"It's fine, Chris I wasn't going to sleep for much longer anyways," I say and try to not let them see that the reason I wouldn't sleep for longer wasn't that I just wasn't tired, and that it was from constant nightmares of Phil being tortured waking me up six times a night.

"Dan, I have a question," PJ says and I nod. "Do you want us to come and wake you up if we hear you having a bad dream," Oh. So they heard me.

"You heard that?" I ask and he nods. I bite my lip. "Sorry if I woke you guys up, I really didn't mean to," they look at me like I'm stupid.

"Why would you be sorry, Dan?" Chris asks me and I shrug my shoulders. "You can't control it and we're not mad," he says and I shrug my shoulders again.

"Because I'm ugly," I say making PJ and Chris laugh again at me.

"You know that's not true and we all know that you're joking," PJ says and I allow a smile on my face.

"Yeah I know I'm joking," I say. "Oh, and yes, can you guys wake me up if you hear me? I mean, you don't have to like be on watch for if I have a nightmare, but if you hear me and it's kind of bad then can you please?"

"Of course we can," Chris says. "How about we watch some Death Note until the officers get here," I nod and PJ picks up the remote, turning on some episodes of Death Note we had recorded. I snuggle into the end of the couch, feeling drowsy, but unable to go to sleep.

A knock is heard on the front door snapping me out of my gaze at the TV. I glance over at Chris who was untangling himself from PJ where they were previously cuddling. I sigh and begin to stand up to answer it.

"I got it," Chris said and got to it quicker than me. I roll my eyes slightly and plop back down on the couch.

"I'm not handicapped," I grumble and PJ laughs.

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now