vingt trois ~ sensei el pepe the third

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Phil's POV

Silent tears drip down my face as I realize what happened. Dan could be dead. I saw him hit the wall. I can't handle this right now.

"W-why are you doing this?" I ask quietly and he just laughed. "ARE THEY DEAD? WILL THEY BE OKAY?" I sob out, practically screaming at him.

"They're not dead, they had seatbelts and airbags, Phil just shut up, they're fine," he says still laughing. "And i'm not stopping this. I hope you know that."

"It makes no sense!" I say, wiping away the tears. "All you do is rob, and kill, and rob again, just get a real fucking job!"

"Phil, who the fuck would hire me?" he asks and I stay quiet. "Exactly. I'm not getting out of this. It's out of my hands. I'm stuck in this and I can't stop even if I wanted to."

"I thought you wanted to do this?" I ask him curiously. "I thought this was your thing. You mean you were lying and-"

"Stop, fucking stop," he says. "Leave it. It's none of your business anyways you fuck wit. Stay out of it, and maybe I'll spare you." I sigh and look out the window, brushing another tear from my eye.

"Are you sure they're not dead?" I ask quietly. "I'm sorry, I just really need to know this." I hear him sigh heavily.

"I'm positive," he says back.


"Look, Phil, as you come to find who I really am, you'll come to find that there's a part of me that's not all bad. I mean, it's a small part, but it's still there. I know that they're not dead because I wouldn't do something to actually kill someone." he says sounding sincere.

"I thought you've killed people though?" I say slightly frustrated. "Yeah, you did! Fucking liar,"

"Phil, do you think I wanted to?" he asks me and I shrug my shoulders. "You know what? Forget it. Believe what the fuck you want. I don't fucking care." I sigh and look out the window. I couldn't really care less at the moment. I don't want to talk to this lying dick.

I feel that normally I would be freaking out and worrying this whole time that Dan had died in the accident, but for some reason, I actually have a feeling that he's alive. It's a gut feeling and I'm going to follow it.


"How much longer?" I groan and he huffs slightly. "Well, this is taking forever!"

"We've only been in the fucking car for three hours," he mumbles.

"We've been in this car for three hours?" I ask, my mouth open. "Where are we going anyway? Why can't we just go to the airport?"

"Because thanks to your fucking boyfriend, we can't just go any airport because everyone is fucking looking for you!" he says annoyed. "So we have to go to a little friend of mine's airport."

"You have a friend who has an airport?" I ask a bit bewildered.

"Yes, how the hell did you think I got around all those fucking years without people catching us? Huh?" he says and I just shrug my shoulders. I guess that does make sense.

"Aren't people like not allowed to fly planes unless someone has an eye on them or something?" I ask and he nods.

"No one catches us though, so shut your whore mouth." he says and I chuckle under my breath before looking out the window.


Nearly an hour or less later, we arrive in a deserted (of course) place that seemed run down, but had a few cars in the front that looked like they were actually from this century.

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now