vingt-huit ~ I look like ariel

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Dans POV

"And that time when we went to the cinema and the homeless guy attacked you?"

"And remember that other time when we tried to get Phil on a double date with us with Alyssa and she had an allergic reaction to the peanuts!" Kaydee and I have literally been going on and on about memories we have for the past twenty minutes waiting for the plane to take off. We haven't talked far to face like this in the longest time.

"We can't forget about the time at that party we went to a room and walked in on those two creeps having sex!" she laughs.

"Oh my god that was the funniest thing ever!" I laugh out loud.

"Can. You two. Shut up. For two seconds" Chris who sat next to me says, glaring at us.

"What?" I ask him.

"You two have been talking about the same shit for the past half hour can you fucking stop!" he says, rubbing his temples.

"You want us to stop talking to each other?" I ask him, rolling my eyes.

"It's not that you two are talking that's annoying me, it's the fact that you two sound like the popular girls in school squealing over some boy band. Knock it off," he groans and leans back.

"PJ, control your boyfriend," I say over Chris and to PJ.

"I agree with him," he says shrugging. "You two do realize that you've been talking for a whole year now, why are you acting like you just met after five years break."

"Well we havn't really had face to face time in forever, Chris," Kaydee says nicely. "I guess it just feels good to catch up,"

"Face to face time?" PJ looks at us confused.

"Yeah I mean, time on our own," I say smiling and glance back at Kaydee before looking back at Chris and PJ.

"You mean like time without Phil?" Chris says, raising an eyebrow. Oh. Phil. Right. Now that I really think about it, since Kaydee and I have been catching up, Phil really hadn't had crossed my mind. I honestly don't think that that's a bad thing though. Kaydee and I hadn't had a full on conversation without worrying and weird officers were listening in over a year so.

"Oh shove off, Chris," I grumble.

"Don't do anything stupid,"

"I said shove off!" I say and turn around to face Kaydee again who looked quite guilty herself. I hear Chris groan and probably snuggled into PJ, so I sigh in relief that the argument is over. "Dicks," I mumble.

"Dan, you do know that we're just friends, right?" she asks me.

"Oh, what? You now too?" I ask, throwing my hands in the air. "I have a fiance, we're going to get married, I love him very much, just seeing my ex girlfriend, doesn't change that! No offense," I groan and put my face in my hands. I take a second to breath before sitting back up to see hurt in Kaydee's eyes.

"I didn't mean to sound full of myself," she says quietly. "I just-"

"No, I know you weren't, Kayds," I say softly. "I'm sorry I freaked, I'm just, I'm really stressed out about this whole situation with Phil, with Chris and PJ, with everything, I'm sorry,"

"It's fine," she says, smiling. "I understand, I really do. And remember, the more we talk, the more we're going to get these lectures from your friends about us, okay? They just care about Phil,"

"I care about Phil too, though," I say, sighing. "I didn't mean to let him slip my mind, it's just, talking about something other than trying to find this lunatic killer man that has him made me feel happy, and I haven't felt genuinely happy in awhile."

"Again, I get that," she says.

"-Please fasten your seat belts, push up the trays in front of you, and turn all electronics off. Departure will be in two minutes-" an announcement says over the speakers, cutting her off.

"Just remember though, we will find him, and you won't have to worry about any of this any more," she says and pats my shoulder. I sigh and fasten my seat belt. Some tears form in my eyes and I try to wipe them away quickly so that she doesn't see.

"I just- I - I.." I stutter and wipe away a few more tears. "I thought it was over," I finally get out. "And, what if we do find him and everything goes back to normal? Then what? What will happen next year? Sensei is back for revenge? We never know! We thought everything was going to be perfect once we caught you and Chris and Dameon, but it got worse! What if it gets worse than this in a year, then what?" I stifle a bunch of cries with my hands, trying not to bring attention to myself.

"Shh, Dan it's going to be okay," she says and pats my shoulder awkwardly. "Listen, it can't last forever. It won't last forever. You have to keep telling yourself that!" I sigh and nod, wiping away a few more tears.


"No buts," she says shaking her head. "Just let that sink in. It can't last forever, and it won't. Okay? Now get some rest, we have a long ride."

ahhh I'm tired :/

yay basketball scrimmage tomorrow

ugghhh really on my birthday weekend? WHY AM I ON THE TEAM I SUCKKKKKKK

okay I'm good. Thank god for pre writing because that's the reason you got this chapter. Idk ive been out of it lately. sorry this is short.


I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now