vingt some shit

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Dan's POV

I squeal with joy after Phil hung up the phone.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST TALKED TO MY BABY OH MY GOD!" I yell really loudly, giggling a lot. "I just talked to him, I heard his voice, I could basically feel him right here!" I say and can tell that all the officers are smiling at me brightly.

"That's great, Dan!" I hear Chris say and I walk over to him and PJ who were holding hands on the couch where Chris had to me immobile. We took him to the hospital and he got a cast which he has to have on for eight weeks or so.

PJ leans over and hugs me, and Chris does the same so we're all in a group hug.

"He's okay!" I say, almost crying in their arms from pure happiness. "We're going to find him! He's going to be okay! And I know this for sure this time!" I pull away to see that PJ has tears in his eyes too while Chris, well, he has no soul.

"This is great, Dan, but make sure you're paying attention to you phone, you don't want to miss the call that will save your boyfriend," Max says to me, handing me a tissue. I nod, blowing my nose.

"Actually, fiancé," Chris corrects Max and we all laugh.

"Thank you Chris," I sniff and go over to plug my phone in so it didn't die on us, and I turned the volume up as much as I could. I turn to the others, a smile still etched across my face. "So, when she calls, are we going to just go right away?" I ask and Max nods to me.

"God pack your things, really quickly, Chris and PJ, you need to go home and pack your stuff too," They nod and PJ gets Chris's crutches, helping him up. "We'll have Dan call you right after the girl calls back.

"Okay," Pj says after getting Chris to his feet. "Good luck, Dan," I nod as they head towards the door.

"Make sure you two make it quick!" Brian calls after him.

"We will!" Chris says back and soon they're out the door leaving me with all the officers.

"Okay, make sure you guys are paying really close attention," I say to them seriously and the all chuckle slightly

"We will, Dan, don't worry," Parker says and I walk down the hall into my room. I squeal slightly, still fangirling and jumping up and down at the previous events. I walk over and grab my suitcase and throw it on my bed. I walk over to our dresser and basically pack all the clothes that Dameon didn't grab of Phil's.

I realize I'm a bit short though, so I take some of my clothes too. Well, what else is essential? Llama hat, laptop, laptop charger, lion. I stuff all my unnecessary items into the bag before fangirling again. I can't wait to see Phil again.

I lay down on my bed, closing my eyes smiling to myself actually feeling myself drifting off to sleep.


"Phil!" I yell and run up to my beautiful fiancé, lifting him off his feet and spinning him in my arms. "Phil, I've missed you,"

"I've missed you so much, Danny," he says and I smile, nuzzling my face in his hair, tracing patterns on his hip bone. He pulls away and rests his nose on top of mine.

"I almost forgot how gorgeous you are," he whispers to me and I blush. "Aw, Danny, I've missed your blushes,"

"I've missed your eyes,"

"I've missed your hobbit hair,"

"Shut up I haven't cared about personal appearance since you left," I laugh, stroking his cheek with my other hand.

"Well, I've missed you, and I love you," he whispers, attaching our lips together for a soft kiss.


I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now