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Phil's POV

I stand waiting for Dameon to come back, my heart in my throat. I'm terrified I mean, what if I get caught? I mean he could have been bluffing about killing Dan in front of me because how would he get to Dan? I am scared of getting tortured, but I guess I don't really care what he does to me anymore.

God I feel so hopeless.

I lean against the car and look around to see if anyone is coming. If someone sees me, they'll either arrest me, or ask what I'm doing, or maybe someone will know that I'm missing and they'll find me. I guess I could try and run away, but I don't think I could have the courage to do that. If he finds me, I'm dead, Dan's dead.

But still, if someone else finds me and saves me, then maybe I'll be okay. Maybe they'll protect me and Dameon will go to prison again, never to come back out. Well, last time he was in prison I thought he was never coming out, but he did. And if he comes and gets me after I would pull a trick like that, oh god. That wouldn't be very pretty.

God I wish I knew what to do. If I don't make my decision soon though, it'll be too late. What if this is a test and if I run, he'll just be around the corner waiting to torture me? Or what if he's watching me right exactly now? Or some of his friends are? I can't run, I can't. He'll catch me.

It's too late now anyways.

Dameon flies out of the window with bags of money in his hands, running over to me, and shoving them in my hands.

"I see you were wise and stayed here," he says grinning evilly and I nod before he takes off into the bank again. I turn and put the money in the back seat of the car, and open the bag, my eyes widening at the amount inside. These two bags may be enough to buy like seven mac books. Why does he need this?

I quickly shut the bag again, pushing it as far as it can go on the floor of the car so people wouldn't be able to see it if we drove by or something. I turn around and realized that my knees are shaking. I jump when I hear a couple gun shots and screams. I hope Dameon died.

Spoke too soon.

He jumped out of the window again, this time with three bags of money and sprinted over to me, blood covering his shirt. He hands me the bags and takes a sec to catch his breath.

"I assume that's not your own blood," I say quietly, motioning at his shirt. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Nope, and let it be know that if you every piss me off, this could be your blood one day," he says and my stomach drops as I nod and he runs back into the building. I lean against the car door and run my hands through my hair tightly, trying to release some of the stress.

My eyes wander around the scenery, taking it in and then back to the car when I spot something making my heart jump. Dameon's phone. I look back at the place to see him running back towards me again.

He doesn't say anything this time, he just hands me the money and goes. I look at the phone again. If I can call Dan, then I can tell him exactly where our next place will be, where I am, what's going on, and more importantly, so I can fucking talk to my fiancé! The only thing is, what if dick face over here catches me. I need to risk it. I need to try.

Dameon runs back out with even more blood on his shirt, stopping again, breathing heavily.

"God, how many people did you kill?" I ask, placing the bags in the back seat again. He stands up straight, shaking his head.

"I didn't kill anyone," he says and I raise an eyebrow confused. "Have the driver's seat unlocked, I only have three more rounds," I nods and he runs back to the bank. As soon as I'm sure he can't see me, I sprint to the other side of the car, opening the door and turning on the phone, sliding my finger across it. Fucking hell. A pass code. I should've known he wasn't that stupid. I could try a pass code, but there's an app to see if someone was trying to get in your phone by seeing how many times you mess up the pass code lock, so I don't want to risk it."

I unlock the door and walk back around to the other side, sitting down on the ground, playing with an ant on the ground.

"Do you hate your life too?" I ask it, forcing it to go in random directions. I jump after hearing a slam of the window being closed and Dameon running towards me, faster than the other times he was running.

"Get in!" he yells and I nod, quickly getting up and scrambling in the passenger seat. He shoves the money by his feet as he got in the driver's seat, mumbling swear words under his breath. "Some police came," he says, starting the car and taking off in the opposite direction in which we came in.

"Well we got a lot anyways though," I say motioning to all the money.

"No, we didn't. We didn't get enough, I will NEVER have enough," he shouts and I try not to whimper in fear.

"It'll- it'll be okay," I say quietly, trying to be a bit nice.

"Just, just shut up. We have enough to for gas for about a year, so next we need to get enough for food," I nod, looking away so he can't see some of my tears. I lose hope so easily. It's so pathetic.

I watch London get out of view, some more tears trickling down my cheeks. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to Dan one more time.

I jump a bit as I hear the radio being turned on, but close my eyes, breathing out as I hear some musc come on, as I try to relax myself. I hear Dameon hum a bit to the tune, when the song ends and someone talking comes on.

"Fucking comercials," he says and I look over to see him leaning over to turn off the radio.

"Word gets in about a missing man-" it starts before he changes the channel. My eyes fly open and so does his as he quickly tries to find the channel again. "I repeat, Philip Lester has gone missing, also known as Amazingphil from youtube was kidnapped two days ago,"

"WHAT?" Dameon screams, making me jump. I, however, have a big smile etched across my face.

"His fiancé Daniel Howell, also known as Danisnotonfire, put up a video giving more information about the kidnapping. Philip has black hair, blue eyes, he's six two, an his kidnapper is Dameon Hetlick who had recently excaped prison in France. That's all we have for the information right now, but if you see Dameon or Phil, call the police immediately, do not approach. Thank you," I bite my lip to contain my self from cheering. Dan knows I'm gone. He's looking for me. Everyone's looking for me. I'm going to be safe. I'm going to be in his arms again.

"Fucking, HELL!" He screams, slamming his hands on the wheel out of anger. "Shit, shit, shit,"

"Did you hear that?" I ask looking at him. "They're looking for me. Everyone is. Dameon, you need to give this up, it's not worth it,"

"Shut up," he says. "We're leaving. We're skipping the other places, we're going. As soon as we get back, you go to your room and pack your shit, then come back down and help me put everything away in the car,"

"Dameon, give it up," he looks over at me with rage in his eyes.

"Fucking stop," he growled and I nodded, looking away, still smiling.

I'm going to be safe.

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now