vingt et une ~ lol stupid Max

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Dan's POV

"Fucking hell, drive," I say bouncing a bit. I need to get there. I need to see Phil. I need to save him.

"Dan, this is the fastest we can go, okay? We'll get there," Max says a bit frustrated and I nod, clenching my fist slightly, looking out the window.

We have officially left London and had past the sign that said there was no access forward which meant we were getting closer. It basically looks like a dessert out here. Kaydee was right when she said that there was nothing out here. It's a good place to live if you're a criminal.

"Can you turn off the siren? It's pissing me off," PJ says leaning forward. I feel like I've forgotten about them.

"No, sorry, I can't go over the speed limit unless I have a siren on," Max replies and Chris groans slightly.

"What speed limit? There's no signs anywhere," Chris grumbled. I turn around slightly.

"Hey um, are you guys doing okay with this?" I ask quietly. "I feel really bad you know, not talking to you this whole time and forcing you into this,"

"Dan, it's fine," Chris says and PJ chuckles.

"Yeah, really. I think this is kind of fun!" Peej says and I smile slightly. "If we didn't want to do this, then we would've told you,"

"Thank you guys, like, I needed support with this and just, thank you," I say quietly.

"You're out best friend, Dan, it's fine," Chris says and I smile bigger.

"Get ready," I hear max say and I turn around in my seat to see a village approaching. My breath hitches and I sit back in my seat, praying silently that they would be here.

"What if they hear the siren?" Chris asks and Max groans.

"What is it with you and this fucking siren?" He says, shutting it off, pressing on the gas petal a bit more.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," I whisper, closing my eyes, hoping to everything that they'll be there. I'm so glad we went to Kaydee with this.

"Is that him?" I hear PJ say and I open my eyes to see that we're so close to the town. There's a black car parked in a parking lot for one of the buildings and a light haired boy is waving his arms about. I gasp when I realize it. My Phil.

"Go!" I shout to Max who nods, picking up speed. I open the window and stick my head out, waving my arm. "PHIL!" I shout loudly and hear him shout back.

"DAN!" he calls but is cut off when another man grabs him, pulling him to the car. I gasp and pull myself back in the car. We're still quite a distance away.

"Come ON!" I yell at Max and he shushes me harshly. I grip at the seat as I watch my baby being pulled into the car whilst he flails his arms, obviously trying to get away.

Were about five hundred feet away when their car takes off. I groan and bounce a bit, feeling some tears escape my eyes. I can't see Phil anymore, but I don't think he could get away.

"Do you think we can catch them?" I ask quietly.

"Most likely, their car isn't equipped like this one is," Max says and floors it. I fall back into my seat and hear Chris and PJ yelp as they fly back as well. We get closer and I squint my eyes to see if Phil can see me, but there's too many things in the back seat.

"What are we going to do if we even catch up to them?" I ask and fly to the side when Dameon made a sharp turn with Max following. "Shit," I mumble, trying to hold myself there.

"We'll get them to stop, Dan, don't worry," he says makes another sharp turn. Dameon is actually kind of a really good driver. Just then, he made a U turn, heading in the complete opposite direction. Max groaned and tried to turn at the same time but the distance between us and him grew.

"You can do it, Max," I say quietly, bouncing a bit in my seat, getting used to the feeling of driving really fucking fast.

"I know," he whispers and we get closer to the parking lot that Dameon and Phil started in. Dameon turns into the lot, driving towards the building.

"Oh my god," I whisper. "They're going to crash, Phil! He's in there!" I shout but Max just continues to drive. "Max, you have to turn!" nothing. I look back to see the building getting closer. "MAX! TURN!" I shout and lean over, grabbing the wheel.

"Wh-whaat?" he says coming out of a trance but he has a grip in the direction were going. I look back to see that Dameon's car had made a quick turn, heading in the opposite direction.

"TURN!" I shout again and we try to turn the wheel but it was too late. We had already hit the building.

okay spoiler alert: no one dies

I feel like I should just say that xD


so I HAVE A C- IN HISTORY AND A C IN SCIENCE NOW I'M SO HAPY... don't laugh .. that's good for me >.< okayyyy. I'm going to update, "Letters to you," tomorrow and HOLY SHIT THIS HAS SO MANY READS LIKE OH MY GOD.


*mosh pit*

byeeeee <3

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now