is this chapter forty yet or?

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Dan's POV

I hear Phil gasp and feel him bury his face in the side of my shirt as it happened and Kaydee let's out a shrill scream. 

"No.." I hear her whisper as all the panic went down and the officers were kneeling by Dameon's body, saying it was done and he was gone. I let go of Phil for a second as she begins to walk to the body. "Dan, no let me GO!" she screams and tries to push through my arms but I just hold her away from the body. 

"Shh, no you have to get out of here," I whisper and turn to Phil, his mouth agape and his eyes glossed over with shock. 

"Dan! Let me fucking go! Dameon! I won't leave you!" she screams at the top of her lungs, the sound breaking my heart as I pull her away from the scene. "Dameon! No!" 

"Hey, it's okay, shh," I whisper and keep pulling her gently away from everything. 

"NO!" she shoves my arms away and tries to run past again but I catch her again. "FuCKING LET ME GO! MY BROTHER. DAMEON. HE'S GONE!" she screams and cries and it's almost scary to see the hysterics she's in right now. She's thrashing and crying and screaming and I look at Phil who's just in a daze. 

"Shh, no Kaydee, come here," I hear Jordan whisper and I turn to see him almost tell me with his eyes that he'll take over. I let him hold her in his arms and take her to the stairs while she just writhes and cries, trying to get away. 

I sigh and look over at Dameon then over at Phil. Oh god.


My Phil is finally back.

"Phil," I whisper and see him snap out of whatever trance he was in to look at me in the eyes. Oh god. Those perfect eyes. That perfect face. The perfect smile. I've missed it so much and finally everything is okay because he's right here and nothing can hurt him.

"Danny," he whipsers back and his arms quickly wrap themselves around my neck and mine reach his waist while we just cry in each other's arms. My baby is back. He's here. And I'm never letting him go away. 


"How's Kaydee?" I ask Jordan when I stand in the doorway of his hotel room. I had finished packing everything and so had Chris and PJ. Phil was in the hospital, getting everything tested to see if he was okay and getting talked to by some policemen. I wanted to be there with him so he wouldn't be out of my sight, but they wouldn't let me since I would apparently be a 'distraction,'

"Taking it hard," Jordan replies and zips up his bag before setting it back next to Max's. "But it'll be okay."

"I didn't know she cared about him," I whisper almost just to myself and rock back and forth on my feet for a second.

"He was practically her brother, Dan. And even though she hated his guts, there was still a part of her that cared for the boy that helped her grow up." he ssays and pats my shoulder. I nod slightly and sigh, biting my lip.

"We could've saved him," I whipser and shake my head slightly, looking up in Jordan's eyes. "We could've said something, done something, just helped him and right now he would be okay,"

"You're talking about the man who kept your fiance away from you for like three weeks," Jordan says, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't care," I say quietly. "He's still someone that my best friend cares about and now shes somewhere probably crying her eyes out just wishing that her big brother would be alive."

"Dan, listen to me. Smetimes a person is too far deep to ever get out. Sometimes people can't be saved. You can try. You can try all you want, but it was Dameon's time, and think about it, it's better that we put him out of his misery, right?" I nod slightly but sigh, not really buying it.

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now