treize ~ who want to help me burn every soccer ball in the world?

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Dan's POV

We walk through my hallway quickly and made out way to the kitchen. There's a weird machine sitting on the breakfast bar and Max, Parker, and Andy are all surrounding it.

"Did you get it yet?" I ask eagerly and walk over to the machine's screen, looking at it intently. Max walks over and stands next to me, looking at it too.

"It should be any minute now, but there definitely are some prints on here," he says and I glance around the room at the other officers who had the same intrigued look as I did.

"Any day would be fabulous," Chris says on the other side of the bar, sitting next to PJ, holding his hand. The officer I think was Andy, sat next to them.

"It takes time," he says and I look away, leaning my back on the bar, closing my eyes slightly. I'm still kind of tired from last night. I still don't really know whether to be happy or sad if we find out that Dameon took Phil. For one, it means that he didn't leave me. But, still, I really don't think I want to know that he's out there with a serial killer.

"Either way, what are we going to do?" PJ asks. I open my eyes and look at the officers that are speechlessly looking at each other.

"We'll figure it out," Max says and sets a hand on my shoulder. "We'll find him, don't worry Dan," I nod and close my eyes again, letting a tear or two fall down my face.

"This will work right?" I hear Chris ask.

"It should," I think Andy answers him. "I just hope that no one else touched the door so we can find out if it was really him or not." I open my eyes and look down at the floor as the room goes silent again.

*beep* my head shoots around at the high pitched noised that fills the room and everyone seems to take a step closer to the screen.

"This is it," I whisper and the screen says it's at 60% loaded. 65. 74. 86. "Come on, come on, come on," I whisper. 89. 93. 97. 99. My breath stops when I realize that I'm about to find out the truth right here. 100.

A picture pixelates on the screen to the right a little bit to a familiar face. It was him. Dameon. Even though it seemed quite obvious that he took Phil, a great deal of shock rises in my chest, and even more tears rush down my face.

"There it is," Parker mutters next to me, and I set my face in my hands. I feel Chris's hand on my shoulder, when he walked around the bar to stand next to me.

"It was him," I mutter. "He took him. I know that I basically already knew this, but I don't want to believe it," Chris wraps his arm around me.

"It's okay, come on, let's leave these guys to their business and go in the living room," I nod and he grabs my hand, pulling me to the lounge with PJ. I sniffle and try to contain my tears, but once they pull me in a group hug, I jus bawl into their arms.

"I-I don't w-want h-h-him to be w-with Dameon-n," I sob out on Peej's shoulder, while Chris just rubs my back awkwardly.

"I know, I know, neither do we," PJ say softly. I cry for a little bit, whispering things about everything being my fault, until I'm just sat there sniffling in their arms.

"I'm scared," I mewl and they sigh.

"He'll be fine, Dan, don't worry," PJ says and I shake my head.

"What if he's not?"

"WHAT DID I SAT ABOUT BEING POSITIVE?" Chris says and PJ laughs. I let out a little chuckle. "Dan, he's going to be fine, do you want to go back in and talk to the police officers?"

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now