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Phil's POV

"I said no, and that's final!"

"But daaddddyyyyy," my six year old daughter gives her best pout and looks up at me with the most innocent eyes through the thick lashes.

"Danny, where on earth are we going to keep a pony in this house?" I ask her, chuckling a little and walk over to her, setting a plate of mac and cheese in front of her for dinner. 

"She can sleep in my room!" she chirps and stuffs a bit of her food in her mouth, giggling a bit and smiling up at me in a pleading way. 

"Hmmm," I say teasingly and set my finger on my chin, looking up. "Let me think, no." I say and she scoffs, flipping her blond curls over her shoulder before going back and eating her food. Even at her age, she is such a little diva. I think she got it from Dan. 

"Fine," she says and crosses her arms. "Then I'm running away," I laugh out loud at that and ruffle her hair, earning a few grunts and a slap at my arm. 

"Just like how your ran away last week? And the other month? and a year ago?"

"Stopp itttt," she whines in a high pitched voice, eating some more and talking while she chewed. "Those we're practice!"

"Dandelion, don't speak with your mouth full, it's rude," I say and she nods, finishing her swallow before sticking her tongue out at me. I return the favor, just as I hear the front door open with my husband pouring in, trying to shake the snow off of his jacket at the same time.

"Dad!" my daughter squeals and pushes off her chair to run up to Dan, her arms wrapping around him like a monkey and holding on. Dan had been gone for some conventions over the weekend, leaving me with the young one.

"Danny!" he smiles and finishes taking off his coat before hoisting her up and spinning her around, her squealing with joy in his arms. I smile and just watch this happen, admiring how amazing my husband is with our only child. "How had daddy been? Is he behaving himself?" Dan asks, holding her in the air with both of them looking at me.

"Nope!" she shakes her head and Dan raises an eyebrow, looking back at me. "He won't let us buy a pony!" Dan chokes out a laugh and sets Dandelion down, ruffling her hair a little bit. 

"Maybe one day, but not today." he laughs and she looks up at him, smiling brighter than the sun. 

"You mean it Dad?" she asks, causing Dan only to laugh again, shaking his head slightly. I roll my eyes, smiling at the same time and take her plate into the kitchen. 

"Maybe," he says and I can hear her giggle and run off in the direction of her room, squeaks trailing behind her. I smile at the sound which is music to my ears before the familiar safeness of two arms are around my waist holding me tight. "I missed you baby," Dan whispers in my ear and I blush a bit as he kisses my ear. 

"I missed you too. How was the trip?" I ask and lean back into his embrace, closing my eyes and melting into the touch. 

"Absolutely terrible!" he over-exaggerates, making me chuckle under my breath. "It was fine, how did Danny behave?" 

"Good- ish. It was getting her to bed that was the worst. The child thinks that her bed time is non-existent," 

"She's young, Phillip," Dan chuckles and it makes me shiver as it's right in my ear. Oh that amazing sound. 

"Still. She should listen to me," i say and look down. "I'm not cut out for this parenting thing, Dan," 

"Shut up," Dan says and whirls me around so I'm facing him and my arms sling around his neck as normal. "You just went three whole days alone with the kid and she didn't starve to death and the house didn't burn down. You're doing a damn fine job for me," I smile and nuzzle our noses, sighing quietly in exhaustion. 

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now