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Phil's POV

Vows are exchanged, tears are forming in eyes, rings now are wrapped around each others ring fingers as we hold hands, both unable to understand the whole situation. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with the man in front of me. We're actually going to be together forever. 

"Do you, Philip Micheal Lester, take Daniel James Howell to be your lovely wedded husband, through sickness and in health, through the dangers that life brings you, the good and the bad times, do you Philip Lester wish to live with Daniel James Howell forever?" the priest says and I try to keep the tears from falling at the excitement of this entire situation. 

"I do," I giggle slightly and hear Dan almost awe out loud at me. I look up in his eyes to see that he's already shed a few tears. How can we not? After all this time it's finally happening, we're finally bonded together. 

"And do you, Daniel James-"

"Fuck yes I do let's just get on with it!" Dan interrupts him, making me and some of the audience laugh, including the priest. 

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you two husband and husband." the audience cheers and I lean in, kissing Dan, and as as many times we have kissed before, this one obviously seems like it means the most, because it's the one kiss that will change our lives for the better. 

We eventually pull away and I look in his eyes, seeing him crying even more than before. Everything else seems to disappear as I take his face in my hands, nuzzling our noses. 

"Baby, don't cry," I whisper and I hear him giggle, wrapping his arms around my waist as he sniffs a little bit. 

"It's a good cry, don't worry, love," he says back and pecks my lips again. I smile and look at him, taking in every feature and thinking that I can now call this man my husband. "My little fighter," he whispers and my stomach flutters a little bit.

"I love you so much," I sigh and he sighs back, pulling me closer.

"I love you so much too," he says back and pecks me once before we turn back to the crowd who was crying, cheering, and smiling brightly at us. 


The reception is amazing. Lights everywhere, music blaring, people all around getting drunk and just having a good time to celebrate. Dan hasn't left my side. He actually hasn't left my side since the day I got home. I honestly don't mind, I feel that both of us are a bit shell shocked at the whole incident and don't want it to happen again.

We both leave the dance floor out of breath and in a fit of giggles. Us and a bunch of youtubers were just going crazy whilst we danced for almost twenty minutes straight. Dan and I walk to a table and sit down, holding hands and trying to catch our breath. 

"I'm going to go get a drink," I lean over and say in his ear and he nods to me, pecking my cheek once. 

"Do you mind if I sit here and try to not die?" he asks, breathing heavily making me laugh and shake my head.

"I'll only be a minute," I say and he nods as I stand up to go over to where the bar is, smiling and waving at people as they see me go by. 

I eventually make it to the bar and order a glass of wine. It's only been my second glass and this slightly disappoints me. I really want to get wasted tonight and just forget about everything that has happened and just focus on the good. 

"Hey there stranger," I hear a familiar voice and turn to see Kaydee in front of me, a black dress down to her knees with her hair up in a fancy bun. She looks absolutely gorgeous. 

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now