hell yeah we gots an update :3 read my author's note?

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Phil's POV FUCKING FINALLY -same time we left off with Dan-

"Will you fucking hurry up with those fucking bags?" I hear Dameon yell at me, causing me to sigh and roll my eyes. Pretty much everything he says anymore just goes through one ear and out the other. I place the empty bag in the back and close my eyes, just enjoying the breeze.

I just really hope that Dan gets the messages. I hope he figures all of this out and they'll show up to save me. That's all I want. I just want everything to go back to normal. I hate being a criminal. I hate Dameon. All I fucking want is for Dan to come save me, hold me in his arms, tell me how much he loves me. I just want him, and it's killing me. 

"Jesus fucking move, we're on a time schedule." Dameon breaks me out of my zone by hitting the back of my head, causing me to groan.

"I didn't know that Jesus was your new partner," I say, chuckling at my own joke where he slaps me across the face one more time.

"Just get in the car and keep your mouth shut," he says and I oblige. I trace my fingers against the soft material of the interior, wondering where exactly he got this car and if he stole it then how he did so and not get caught. I mean, it seems quite obvious that everyone looking for me since Dan said something about my absence. 

He keeps throwing most likely useless shit in the back of the car and just taking longer than he probably needs to for about ten minutes until he finally takes his spot in the drivers seat. 

"How long is this going to-" I start.


"But I just have one questi-"

"I'll shoot you," I sigh and roll my eyes as he starts the car and turns on the radio. I lean against the car window and just watch as our little and well placed hideout grows smaller in the distance and we head onto real road. 

"It's nice here," I smile as we drive past a few country houses. Sometimes I think about what it would be like to live in the country. No people. No traffic and no commotion. I think I would like to live a life like that. 

"Oh be quiet," he grumbles and turns the radio down a little bit as it was a bit too loud. "I'll beat you with a bat."

"Riiiggghhttt," I say sarcastically and roll my eyes again. "Just like all the times you were supposed to shoot me," He cocks his gun that was in the side of the seat and aimed at me, but failing to cause me to move or even flinch. 

"Fuck you," he says harshly and throws the gun at the windshield, scratching the surface that was once spot free. 

"Not even on your birthday sweetheart," I chuckle and look over to see him giving me a devil eyed stare. 

"You know what? I could just leave you out here," he says and slaps my arm roughly. I chuckle under my breath. 

"But then you wouldn't have your partner in crime.. literally," i mumble the last part and look back out the window.

"Do you think I need you? Because I don't," he says and looks at me which I catch his gaze out of the corner of my eye. 

"Yeah I do actually," I say and look him in the eyes this time which I could see were filled with hate and frustration, and almost actually tears?

"What on the name of heaven and hell makes you say that?" he growls and focuses on the road again where we had just passed some more houses which meant we were getting close to a suburb. 

"Because I'm still here," I say and smirk slightly, knowing the fact that I'm right. "If you didn't need me, you wouldn't have me in the passenger seat right now."

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now