quatorze ~ no really, I'm fucking done with soccer

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Phil's POV

I sit in in the my room, on the blanket again, running my hands through my hair, looking at it. He actually died my hair. I find it the slightest bit funny, and I looked in the mirror of the car while I was over there and I actually really like it!

I hum a song under my breath, placing my fringe back in place, when I hear footsteps getting closer to my room. I giggle and look over at the clothes that were folded again.

Dameon walks in and does his daily routine of walking over and kicking over my clothes making them messy again. I giggle under my breath. This is literally the only fun I have left in my life.

He walks back over to me and grabs my arm, pulling me up and kicking over my blanket too.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I ask and he begins to pull me out of the room and down the steps, not answering my question. He takes me to a table that's down there and nearly throws me in the chair.

"Just shut up, I'm going to tell you what's going on and why you're here," he says and sets a bag on the table taking out a bunch of maps and other papers that I'm not sure what they are. I nod eagerly, wanting to know what's going on. He lays all the papers on the table, smoothing them out while I just watch him. "I'm surprised you haven't figured out why you're here yet," he says motioning to my hair. "Any guesses?"

"Torture?" I ask and he laughs.

"I could resort to that, but I'm not going to. Yet." he says laughing and I look away, shuddering slighty, all my confidence leaving me. "You really don't know?"

"Um, revenge?" Why the fuck am I suggesting this stuff to him? Do I even care what he does to me? He chuckles again.

"That could happen," he says. "No, my dear amazingphil, you obviously know what you did to me, killing my best friend and my step sister," I nod, biting my lip. "And of course, making me lose my streak."

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"I don't fucking care," he spits back at me. "But you see, this streak I had, oh I'm not giving it up!" I look up at him, finally getting it.

"So, you? You want me to?"

"Yep," he smiles at me. I hate that smile. He's going to make me commit crime. I have to become a criminal. "You are my replacement Kaydee,"

"Why me?" I ask, my voice cracking. "I'm innocent, lion loving little amazingphil! Why would you choose me? I'm not going to know how to do anything!"

"I chose you, because I hate you!" he says and I pout, crossing my arms.

"That's not a good answer," I mumble and he chuckles again.

"Mostly you, because as I said, you took away Kaydee, you killed my best friend, you put my life on hold, and taking you away from your precious boyfriend will be hurting both of you at the same time!" I quickly brush away a tear from my eye so he doesn't see.

"I hate you so much," I mutter and he laughs.

"Good, I hate you too!" he laughs and lightly hits my arm as a friend would and I pull away as if his fist is poisonous. I never even want to pretend like I'm friends with this bastard. "Okay, now pay attention or I'll beat you."

"That was straight forward." I say. "Will do,"

"Better be," he mumbles and turns the map so I can see it. "This is where we started," he says pointing to the complete north of England. "We moved around this area for a long time, we gathered quite a lot of money. And after that, when people started recognizing us, we changed to America. We were in Florida for most of the time, but then traveled across the country to California, where more of the urban cities were," He pulled out another paper but I'm not sure what it is. "We moved around a lot after that, but gave up for about a year or two after moving to London. That's when she met you too, this is where we lived," I nod and look around at the place.

"Luxurious," I say.

"Did I fucking ask you to be my architect?" he asks and I shake my head casually. "I thought so. Now, after a while there, we were going broke again, and Chris thought that since we haven't done anything in a while, we could start again. I was agreeing and Kaydee wanted to go to Paris. I'm not sure if she did that because she thought that you guys would figure out that we were there, but that's not important." he puts away the map and moves the other paper towards me that seems to be a list of businesses with addresses to them. "This is where were going,"

There's a line between each location, separating the different places we're going and London is the top one. There's only three different businesses for London.

"There's not many here," I say and he nods, taking away the picture so I couldn't look at it anymore.

"We can't stay here for long at all,"


"Because everyone is looking for you here," he says. "I can't risk losing my partner in crime," he laughs at his own joke while I just glare at him.

"I don't think I could ever be your partner, even if I tried," I say coolly and he just laughs once more.

"Sure, yep I care!" he laughs and takes out a bunch of pictures of what looks like a bank. "First stop. It's a bank. I'm going to enter through here, accidentally pushing over my drink that I'll be holding to create a diversion before slipping behind the counter, grabbing some keys to some of the vaults."

"How exactly are you going to 'slip' behind the counter?" I ask.

"Don't doubt me Lester, how many times have we been over the 'doubting' rule," I shrug my shoulders while he continues his little presentation. "After I get the key to the vault, I'm going to go around here to where you will be," he points to the back of the building where there was literally nothing back there except a door leading inside. "I'm going to go in, because you're a pussy, and I'm going to get the money from the vaults, bringing them back to you, and you'll put them in the car." I nod.

"What if we're caught?" I ask. "I don't think I can do this."

"We won't get caught," he says. "And well, let's put it this way, if you don't do it, then I will kill Dan, leaving you alive to just completely suffer,"


"And if you try to run away, get someone's attention, or just screw this up in anyway possible, I will torture you." his voice scares the shit out of me and I nod.

"I won't," I say quietly and he nods. "Why are you so confident with all of this?" he smirks at me and puts the papers and shit away.

"Mostly because I'm me, and I always win," he winks at me and stands up, leaving his shit on the floor. "Now do whatever you have to do to get ready to go out,"

"What?" I ask, standing up while he walks over getting his keys. "Where are we going?"

"To town," he winks, pushing me towards the door.

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now