5- Still not a clue.

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A double door on the opposite side of the room, that I had not noticed before, swings open. A woman, holding a little girl's hand steps in the room, her sharp hazel eyes hovering over everyone in the room and landing on me.

   The small child looks just like the woman. They both have golden blonde hair, hazel-colored eyes, fine facial features, and thin lips. But unlike her mother, the girl's eyes show kindness, happiness, and excitement.

   Ken rushes up to the girl, his eyes enthusiastically wide, saying, "Let's go pway in my room Kewy!!"

   The small girl's eyes light up and before I even get the chance to look twice at her beautiful eyes the two children are out of the room, hands intertwined in friendliness.

   The woman, on the other hand, shuts the door behind her and leaves the cool wind outside. She stares at me, her eyes seeming as if to dissect my thoughts sentence by sentence.

   "When you said you had a girl who made the dilpe rocket, I thought I was going to be presented with someone a little more... you know... Intimidating." She glances over at Monnet, a smile creeping on her lips. "Hello there."

   "Hi." I answer her, a tinge of resentment fumbling around inside of my feelings. "I'm Eve."

   "Well you're the first no-good I've met that has their own name." She smiles slyly as she steps farther into the room.

   "I'm not a no-good." I growl back, my voice sounding more defensive than I had thought would come out.

   Her eyebrows raise.

   I lift up my arm, the thin bracelet shining silver in the fluorescent lighting above me. And even though I'm not facing Jade's parents, I can feel in the atmosphere of the room that they are just as surprised as the woman looks. Her eyes are wide with realization, her eyebrows raising even higher than before, worry lines crinkling above them.

   "That can't be a Dlastic-band, can it?" The woman utters, throwing the question into the air to be answered by anyone who catches it.

   "It is." Jade responds from behind me, her voice carrying her words across the room and over to the woman who's eyes are staring me down with suspicion.

   "That isn't possible... I mean, there's no way!" The woman lurches forwards as if her body thought before her mind did, her feet shuffling at a quick pace over to me. With one quick movement the woman is beside me yanking out a small knife from her belt that was too thin to notice.

   Unable to do anything in the short span of time, I stand still and get a clean cut to my left arm when she yanks it down from where I had it raised in the air, the pain causing a tingling sensation against my pale skin. Blood prickles up from my skin not seconds later, the crimson-colored liquid spreading onto my other hand as I try to cover the cut up with my fingers.

   I curse under my breath, gritting my teeth and staring at the woman through angry eyes. I snarl at her, my voice filtered with resentment, "What the hell was that for?"

   "To see if you're a blue blood." She replies, running her fingers along the length of her blade to get the blood off of it and then wiping the blood on her black outfit that matches Jade's family's. "I guess you aren't."

   "We already knew that." I take a step away from her, blood spilling out from in between my fingers. "You could've just asked."

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