15- Impeccably real.

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   I snap back into reality when the darkness suddenly switches off, light twirling its way into my eyes. Caroline must have ripped off the cloth over my head because now I spot her standing over me with an evil smile playing on her lips. Her hazel eyes seem worse than any red or black ones I have ever seen, if that is in some way possible.

   I look away from her and take in the looks of the room I am in. Dimly lit, the room is pretty large. All of the edges of the room aren't clear, only darkness visible as walls.

   I glance up and shining brightly is the one light bulb that keeps this room out of the pure dark of night.

   No sounds thud into my ears, not even the voices of Hawk and Wolfe, which makes my heart feel as if it has crumbled into ashes and is waiting to be digested by my rolling stomach.

   I peer down at myself and the first place my tired eyes wander is my arm, a small bruised puncture mark sitting right in my sight.

   They drugged me to sleep...

   I look down to find that my hands are no longer tied together but are tied to the wooden but sturdy chair I sit in, the ropes thick and tight against my aching wrists.

   My ankles are tied to the legs of the chairs and for a second I try to move them but my feet don't budge... Not even a quarter of an inch.

  "Eve, I have to admit, you played your cards well." Caroline nods and then begins circling me, my mouth useless as my lips tremble.

   "I mean, when I saw your clueless expression at Monnet's house I really thought you were serious." Her voice thunders from behind me, my chest rising and falling at an abnormally quick pace.

   "I was serious." I inform her with a croaky voice as I look up and peer into the darkness beyond the light of the lightbulb. "I had no clue what was going on..."

   Caroline chuckles deviously as she comes back into my sight, twirling a lock of her blond hair in between her fingers.

Wolfe's voice crackles in my ears as he tries to talk to me, blurred sentences spilling into my ears and making my heartbeat feel real again. His words sink beneath my focus, though, as Caroline's voice drowns them.

   "I'll believe that when I believe you are going to be alive by the time I'm finished with you..." Caroline says with a sly grin. "And I don't believe that very much."

   Desperately I answer, "What do you think my plan is, then, if it's not to find out who I am?!"

    "Well... I think you are going to try to kill the leader of Fen of course!!" Caroline snaps at me with a fierce look to her hazel eyes. "Why else would you lie?!"

   "Oh for heaven's sake, just listen! I didn't know who I was and-"

   "I know your little group told you to say this to me but if you keep on it's going to be the end of you."

   I shut my mouth. Of course I am wondering what in the hell this woman is talking about but it looks like it's better to keep my mouth shut for now.

    So many questions run throughout my brain. What is Fen?! Who is the leader of it?! Why would I lie and what does she think I did?! And who in the world is 'my little group'?!

   "Does your boyfriend know about your group?... Does he know you've lied to him?!" Caroline sweeps away the questions in my mind and replaces them with new ones.

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