14- Black blood and ear buds.

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   Caroline takes a step towards me and the next thing I know no-goods are filing into the room with weapons drawn. All of them are wearing bulky armor, the silver of it bringing out the light reflecting off their beady red eyes. They are different shapes and sizes, but they all relate to a human's body form one way or another.

The one beside Caroline has a human's body but doesn't have a human's head. Instead the creature has two different mouths, one on top of the other, both with rows of jagged teeth and both with a snake's forked tongue that slashes back and forth freakishly.

Every creature lines the wall in front of me, inching their way towards me in their own uniquely frightening way, with Caroline front and center. All of their eyes scan the room and eye me with hunger dwelling in their pupils.

"Where is Hawk and Wolfe?" Caroline questions me, eyes flashing with satisfaction when my mouth wavers. "I saw his truck parked outside..."

"They aren't here." I growl at her and give her my evilest of stares. "They left me for dead when they figured out what I was."

"They figured it out?" Caroline asks, and when I nod she shakes her head and smiles slyly. "Well... That sucks for them."

"And why is that?" I ask, my voice crackling into a mess of tones.

"That means that they will try to tell The Drite... And that means I'm going to have to kill them." She responds quickly before she raises her hand, her fist open. And then, she smiles and points to the stairs.

"Kill them." She orders her creatures and without a second's hesitation they flood towards me, slithering, flying, and crawling grossly.

"NO!" I shout with fear ringing in my tone before I draw my gun out and aim at the first creature. With long talons as fingers and wings on the back of it, the creature whirls towards the stairs but I pull the trigger and with pure luck I knock it from the air and watch as it crumbles into nothing but a pool of black blood and ashes.

I aim at the next one that claws its way towards me and pull the trigger before it can even lay its eyes on me. It coils back and its own body smashes into itself as the next no-good climbs over the heap of mess.

I shoot the next creature and it collapses onto the ground but not after reaching forward and knocking the gun out of my hand with a howl. Its cry pounds into my ears as an echo, the sound playing over and over and forcing my heart to speed up like a tornado on its path of destruction.

As I reach for a knife at my belt I hear Wolfe's enchanting but frightened voice yelling, "Eve!! Eve?! What is happening up there are you alright?! EVE!"

His voice triggers something inside my body and my legs shuffle forward as two creatures with six arms each sprint towards me with claws as their fingers. They split on both sides of me so I duck down and slash at the right one's legs. I get a few clean cuts on him and he crumbles but the one to my left grabs me and pulls me towards it with all six of its hands, its wicked eyes looking furious.

The no-good's jaw unhinges and I watch in horror as his mouth grows larger than my head and its huge black tongue slides out of its mouth to wrap me up. I scream but hold my weapon against my stomach, the hilt of the knife digging into my skin when mine and the monster's bodies press against each other.

The monster's tongue whips across my face and its black spit burns the side of my face so badly that I cry out in agony and drop onto the floor. The creature does a double-take when it looks down sees my knife embedded in its abdomen but doesn't even get a chance to scream before it shatters into a million black pieces and falls onto the floor.

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