3- Answers.

39 11 22

   "So... Wolfe and I... We are brother and sister and we live in this house, but it's not our actual home. It's just a safe house. We actually live at a place in Destone, which-"

   "Okay, seriously Jade?!" Wolfe speaks aloud, his eyes darting over to his sister. "This girl doesn't know where the heck Destone is..."

   "Okay..." Jade's voice falters as she looks away from her brother's face and meets mine. Resentment is in full view on the features of her face. "I was getting to that..."

"Fine... Get to it." Wolfe responds quickly, his hands unclasping from in front of him, his pretty blue eyes sending an awkward look my way. "I'm going to talk to father."

Jade doesn't get to reply when she turns to face him. Wolfe storms out of the room, his locks of brown hair waving goodbye as they flap behind him. He shuts the door behind himself, nearly slamming it.

For a moment, all that is heard is Wolfe's footsteps clomping down the hallway I had seen outside of the door, heading towards a room and a person I have yet to see.

   Confused in all, I just sit... stunned.

"Sorry about my brother... He's sort of a know-it all... And, well, he hates not knowing it all..." Jade tries to apologize for Wolfe's actions, her dark eyes gleaming in the light above us. "And what he doesn't know is what you are."

"Why do you keep asking me about what I am, I mean... It makes absolutely no sense at all." I shoot at her, my voice sounding more irritated than confused. "I'm human... And you're human... And you kidnapped me... And-"

"I'm not human..." Jade stops me mid-sentence, her seriousness making my stomach slash around inside of me. "And neither are you."

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I question her, sitting up in the bed in a very uncomfortable manner. "If I'm not human... Then what am I?! An alien?!"

I find humor when I search her eyes alongside curiousness. "What exactly is an 'alien'?"

"You know..." I start, glancing from her left eye to her right eye as if one of them would give me a sign as to if this is all a joke or not. "Green people that come down from outer space to suck our brains?"

Jade's expression turns blank, as if someone just plastered a blurry piece of screen between us to shield her emotions. "Those aren't real."

Before I can answer her, her lips begin moving again and her sharp voice fills the room. "Look, can I please just explain everything to you... Without you asking any questions?"

After a moment's hesitation, I nod, my heart leaping and lurching under my skin.

"Okay... Well... I am a halter. I come from a long line of halters, actually. My father, mother, grandparents, and my brother of course are all halters, which means we hunt for life. We track down no-goods and kill them, which are monsters, by the way." She pauses as if to let this sink in, but nothing does.

"Okay, so you hunt... Monsters?" I repeat what she told me, in disbelief and uncertainty. "There's only one problem with that."

"Hm?" Jade's voice rumbles from her chest, her dark eyes seeming to stare right into my soul.

"Monsters aren't real." I answer her vaguely, certainty stringing in my words.

Jade stares blankly at me for a second, and then bursts out into a fit of laughter. She doubles over, her brown and blonde hair bouncing carelessly around her head, her hands gripping her stomach as if she hasn't laughed in ages.

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