21- This is all wrong!

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                   •Wolfe's point of view•

   I squirm up to the surface, my heartbeat blasting in my ears alongside the splash of the water as I pull Marcus up. He immediately starts huffing and puffing air, spitting nasty water out and blinking like crazy. Gage-standing on the side of the pond with Ellie drenched behind him- grabs Marcus's arms and pulls him out, cursing under his breath. 

   I hop on the dirt and sit next to Marcus, who is getting situated against a big rock, still coughing up water. My ears ring and my eyes sting as I look out at the dirty water, the pond so still that it smacks the side of my face to make me realize that Eve is still down there.

   I turn and grab Marcus's shirt in my balled-up fists, my breathing almost as loud as his.

   "Where is Eve?!" I scream, my thoughts jumbled and my voice a mess.

   Marcus, still sputtering, gives me a sullen look and points out at the water. I follow his finger and watch as a bubble surfaces in the dark pit of liquid.

   I don't hesitate to spring to my feet, snatch a big breath of air, and then dive in. The cold water splashes around me and slaps chill bumps onto my skin as I push myself down, kicking my legs like a frog on steroids.

   When I spot Eve, though, my whole being goes cold.

   Her alluring eyes are frozen open, her mouth in a twisted shape, like in between a smile and a grimace. Her beautiful hair is floating so gracefully in the water and her body stares at me with tons of goosebumps on its skin.

   I swim hard as the greenish water floods my eyes and the cold of the water seeps into my soul. I reach out for her, my mind pleading for her to move a muscle, or to somehow let me know she's okay but she remains staring off like a frozen statue.

   I grab her arm and feel anger flush throughout my veins when I feel how freezing she is. I wrap my arms around her waist and try to swim up, but Eve only floats in place, her eyes haunting and taunting me to swim up.

I scan her body and to my anger she is trapped in vines, her left hand nearly swallowed in the devilish plant. I swipe a knife from my belt and bring my blade down on the vines.

    The blade only cuts a few inches in and then stops moving, the water preventing me from my full strength.

I curse, bubbles escaping from my mouth, as I glance up and look into those ocean blue magnificent eyes that once were so close to mine and filled with light.

I push harder on my knife, using all of my might, and it snaps within seconds. Eve is finally released from the plants binds, and floats up towards the surface with my hands wrapped around her waist. Her hair waves down at me and brushes my face, tickling my skin and my thoughts.

Suddenly, my heart yearns for her to just wake up. For her to just let me float up to her face and let me kiss those perfect lips, to let her magical hair caress both of our chilled faces.

I kick, my body groaning at the action, as we near the surface and bask in the oxygen. I breathe heavily, kicking to keep Eve's head up when she doesn't wake up, her eyes stuck staring at the dark leaves above us.

"Grab her!" I gurgle, water finding its way into my mouth and forcing coughs out of me. "Please, grab her!!"

I peer up and into Gage's worried eyes, his tough hands shaking as he pulls Eve's cold body out of the mucky liquid and helps her lay flat on the dry dirt.

I push myself up and out of the water, frantic when I see Gage start pumping her chest. When I quickly get situated next to Eve, I yell through tears, saying, "Move Gage, I've done CPR before!"

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