8- Who me? Trouble-maker? Nah...

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The whole ride to their house was awkward. Jade kept glancing back at me in the rear-view mirror as if I was going to run off or something, and Wolfe kept tapping repeatedly on the steering wheel as he drove us. The ride went a lot smoother than the ride I took with Caroline though, thankfully.

When we rolled up onto the street, parking alongside the front of the towering two-story brick house, Wolfe was the first to leap out of his seat and slam the door behind him. I'm not even unbuckled when Jade leaves me too, the car's low rumble being the only noise left in the vehicle.

   When the buckle slips off my hips I look through the car's window, Wolfe already entering the house, leaving the door open behind him. Jade is right on his tail, the wind whipping her beautiful short hair behind her flawlessly.

   Opening the door, I scoot to the edge of the seat and then hop to my feet. I close the door behind me and catch a glimpse of a limo accelerating towards me. I duck down, feeling fear wash over me as if someone dropped all my self-esteem and confidence into a glass bottle and let it sail away.

When I notice that the limo parks right behind the car I just got out of, I lean against the car so that the driver can't see me and then sneak around to the front of the car, finding a hiding place in its shadow.

   Almost immediately after I hide, Caroline swings open the limo's middle door and steps out of it, anger literally radiating off of her. The sunlight bounces off her blonde hair and her halter outfit seems even a darker shade of black than Wolfe's and Jade's family.

   The wind sweeps her long hair out of her face and reveals her pursed lips and her eyes that study the house with what only can be described as hate. She takes a step towards the house, lifting up a gun from where her hand laid against her side.

   My heart slams against my skin, the feeling vibrating over and over again as my heart tries to climb out of my chest. What is she going to do?!

   And then as if things couldn't get worse, two men hop out of the vehicle right behind her, their black halter outfits matching hers. Both men have bald heads, a black intricate tattoo drawn impeccably identical on their heads, down their necks, and even on their faces. Both of them have weapons drawn, although the first one, whom is taller than the second, has a double-sided knife while the second one has a nunchuck grasped in his fingers.

   All of their eyes are surveying the house, the midday sun beating down on them and the occasional tweet from a passing bird making this an awkward setting for their dark clothing.

   Caroline clears her throat, her sharp hazel eyes zoned in on the front door that had been, thankfully, shut by Jade not seconds ago.

   "Our priority is the girl." Caroline's unnerving voice comes out in a snarl. "If the family gets in the way, take them out."

   I feel a bead of sweat roll down the back of my neck and suddenly I am aware of the ringing that is screaming in my ears.

   Suddenly the image of Jade tickling Ken pops into my mind, the sound of his laughter mixed in with Jade's cool one. Both of their smiles were brighter than the sun and both of their eyes showed love that I have never known.

   My heart flips over, my veins suddenly becoming as cold as ice once my mind registers the one thought that sears into my mind like a flame in the night: I need to save Jade and her family like they saved me.

   Without thinking twice, I leap out from the shadow, my legs nearly shaking like a chihuahua. Both of the men turn their heads, their red eyes throwing me off and making my heart thud against my chest once more, nearly as hard as a sledgehammer.

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