12- I deny...

31 10 6

"Do you think your friend can help?" I ask Wolfe, holding his concerned gaze.

He ponders upon this for a second, his sky blue eyes darting back and forth from eye to eye. Then, he turns his head towards the gravel road and then presses on the gas, the truck lurching forward as he plows a hand through his dark head of hair.

"I don't know, but it's worth a shot." He tells me, not taking any weight off of the gas. The truck climbs in speed- 50, 60, 70, 80. Before I can even blink we are flying on the gravel road pushing 100 miles per hour.

My heartbeat hammers against my chest, my hands reaching for something to grab onto. I reach up, grasping the 'Oh Hell' handle above the truck's passenger window, muttering curse words under my breath.

Thank goodness no vehicles show up on the road because we are rocketing faster than a cheetah on steroids!

"Holy crap!!" I scream as I watch gravel fly into the air on both sides of the truck. "Are you trying to get us both killed?!"

I look over at Wolfe and painted on his face is a smile.

A smile.

Dimples I never knew he would show prosper in front of my eyes on either side of his rows of white teeth. His dark hair cradles both sides of his face and his beautiful eyes are dazzling.

   "Hey... Might as well have some fun while we can." Wolfe says to me.

With one hand on the steering wheel, he leans forward and turns the radio's volume button up, country music blaring loud at his command.

Then, he leans back, with a smile on his face, and sings along, his voice muffled in the blasting music.

After a few minutes of staring in horror at him and the speedometer that inclines by the second, I let the music enter my ears and before I can stop myself, lyrics roll off my tongue.

We are both probably crazy... But YOLO right?... It will be a memory I will never forget... No matter how long I get to live.


Our trip is cut short by 40 minutes because of the speed Wolfe decided to drive and we are pulling into a cottage's gravel driveway before 6 songs even get to play on the radio.

"Okay, so I'm gonna let you in on a few facts about the friend you're about to meet." Wolfe tells me as he puts the truck in park and cuts the engine off. "He's from a different dimension; he's a coder. Coders can memorize anything as easily as we remember our numbers, like a photogenic memory, and can also live forever at whatever age they feel they like the most."

"Is that it?" I ask him, taking the information in.

"His name is Hawk." Wolfe informs me, a sly smile forming on his lips as he continues talking. "And he is my sister's ex."

Wolfe turns away and hops out of the driver's seat, slamming the door shut behind himself. I hesitate, but then smile as I slide out of the passenger seat, close the door, and then follow him towards the cottage.

The cottage sits in the middle of a field that is only dotted with a few trees here and there. It is made of stones and has a wooden roof placed on top of it and appears new although vines and moss grow on some of the walls. A few windows are laid out in the front of the house, not revealing the inside at all. The place is pretty small and quiet except for the small puffs of smoke that sprout from a stone chimney on the side of the triangular roof.

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