Chapter 1: First day back

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Victoria POV

Okay, okay breathe my child, I need to breathe. I'm panicking. New school, new home, new friends, new everything.
I just need to breathe. I was forced to move here with my witch of a stepmother, she told me we would be moving to Korea on my 19th birthday. The fucking joys. I hated her, she was always hurting me in any shape or form, I've gotten used to the pain, but I've not gotten used to the surprise attacks she does.

Anyway, I now live in Korea in the city of Seoul. Its a beautiful place, but I'm dreading school. I lay full stretched on my bed, letting the daylight pour into my room, filling it up with light. I sighed, sitting up and stretching my arms and yawning.

I sat at the side of my bed letting my tiredness put weight on my shoulders. I went for a shower and got changed into my block black blazer, skirt and knee high socks. My white shirt and hair was the only colour i was wearing.

I faced the mirror facing the pathetic girl who stood before me, my long brown locks were curled at the bottom, I put light make up on this morning, nothing heavy Just in case Joesette was going to hit me again, I could never bring myself to call her step mother or mother out loud, Cause she was far from kind and motherly.

I made my way down stairs to find my little sister sitting playing on the living room floor, our kitchen and living room were joined so I grabbed some juice and sat down beside her, she was 5 and playing with my old dolly that I had when I was a kid, Joesette never bought her anything other than food and water, I gave her my clothes and toys. I knew how to sow and design clothes due to my mother before she died, so I made her clothes.

"Heya kida" I said sitting down and taking a sip from my juice.

"hi Hi Vicky" she pulled a wide grin showing me her teeth. I smiled but it faded when I noticed a new bright bruise on her leg.

"kida new bruise?" I asked she nodded and suddenly hugged me. I cradled her, hugging her in my arms, she lightly sobbed in my arms, I felt like her true mother even tho she isn't my real sister.

"I'm not going to forget this time Vicky I swear" she muttered, I rubbed circles in her back and helped her up. I wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead.

"I know kida, come on we will start walking to school early...i don't want u to be left here alone with...her" I said looking down the hall, to Joesette's bed room door. I looked at her with concerned eyes.

"Okay, ill get my shoes on...i can tie them by myself!" she giggled showing me her shoe laces, one was done but the other wasn't done right. I chuckled and tied them correctly.

Grabbing our things we left hand in hand, we walked slow and took what I hope is a long way to school. Our schools were side by side. The primary school to the right and high school to the left, so I could pick her up.

- time skip -

I dropped kida off and it was now the second class of the day. I was already wanting to go home, but not Korean home...scotland home...
I was at my locker getting my jotters out for my next class, Its my first day and I'm already getting the hang of where everything is.

I sighed and closed my locker, the school was pretty enough with cherry blossom trees and the main corridor had our locker's and the class rooms were around the building, I looked down at my time table and could see I had PE. Yay. I hated to exercise apart from dance, I love dance hate everything else. The PE department wasn't too hard go find as it was right beside my last class history.

I walked into the girls changing room and all eyes were on me, all of them were judging me, I could tell, I merely walked over to the corner of the room and quietly got changed ignoring there eyes.

Cold blooded killer [[jungkook fan fiction ]] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now