Chapter 5: The Tree

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Victoria POV

"you ready kida?" I shouted into my bedroom.

"yep" she giggled since it was a beautiful sunny evening she wore a dress with leggings, she knew she would be cold so she was bring a coat. Smart little girl.

"okay let's go"

"that is what Vicky is wearing?" she said folding her arms

"yes problem?" I chuckled.

"no Vicky wear this" she walked over to my wardrobe and handing me, black skinny shorts, a belly cut top, and a checkered long sleeved top along with black converses and a leather jacket.

"does she really have to wear it?" I asked

"yes and hair down" she said and sat on my bed her hands still crossed. I Put everything on and I looked good I must admit. This little girl has taste.

"better does kida like?" I mocked she ran up to me And I picked her up

"much better let's go" I carried her piggy back style until we reached the park, I put her down and held her hand to cross the road.

Once passed the gate of the park I let her chase a butterfly in the directions we were walking in. The park was beautiful cherry blossom trees everywhere, down by the river bank that flowed through the park, the grass cut and flowers springing out, the sun was still up and it was still warm.

"beautiful" I muttered

"Vicky ill race ya to the tree" she pointed to the tree

"okay ill give u 20 second head start" and in a flash she was away, it wasn't too far but for her small legs it was miles.

"18...19...20, I'm coming!" I ran, she was already up at the tree I caught her and fell on the other side of the tree and we kinda rolled down the hill. I was tickling her. Until She got out of my grasp

"I won!" she shouted standing with her arms stretched above her head in victory. I pretended to be gutted by punching the ground

"no no not fair, I want a rematch from the almighty kida " I bowed on my knees. I couldn't stop laughing.

"and a hello to u guys too" a voice said coming from the tree, oh I forgot jungkook.

"oh hi" I said smiling. Kida came running over to me tackling me down.

"I got u now!" she shouted on top of me, I pretended to struggle then I played dead.

"Vicky?..." she said

"Victoria? " I heard the concern in his voice, kinda unusual considering he is sometimes cold towards me. I could feel both of them hovering over me.

"BOO!" I shouted scaring both of them.

"ahhhhhhuhhh!" she shouted getting off of me.

"u gave me a freaking heart attack Victoria!" jungkook said on his knees grabbing his heart.

"oh I'm sorry " I said sarcastically, through laughter.

"aww kookie want a huggie?" I mocked pouting out my lips.

"no..." he said in a childish sort of voice.

"tough!" I say lunging forward hugging him. My arms went around his neck and his around my waist. I was now on top of him. for some reason I could hear his breathing becoming heavier as I was about to pull away, scared of it I hurt him but then he pulled me back down. I could feel him breathing on my neck.

"jungkook...?" I asked turning so I was nose to nose to him. His eyes looking into mine slightly red but they were beautiful to look at.

"ewww if you kiss I'm gonna be sick" I heard kida, I got off jungkook and picked her up spinning.

"well that's just rude don't u think?" I asked.

"nope!" she replied I put her back down on the ground, smiling.

"oh kida this is jungkook, jungkook this is kida" she stood behind me, jungkook kneed down.

"hello kida pleased to meet you"he said in a soft voice, a different voice from normal.

"h-hello jungkook" she stuttered

"call me kookie" he said and I looked down to see her smile.

"okay kookie!" she lunged forward hugging him. I laughed and we all went down to the park, it was so much fun playing on the swings kida and jungkook were getting on so well. And me and jungkook were getting closer and closer. We then went back to the tree and lay down.

Kida was down the hill a little bit making daisy chains, she was about 3 meters away. jungkook rested his head on my lap and I didn't find it awkward or anything, it felt like I had known him forever.

"you okay Victoria? He asked

"yep I am, you?" I sighed happily

"yeah I just don't want this to end...thank you for cheering me up"

"your welcome...wait...hold up...cheering you up? Which bitch do I need to kill?" I chuckled and he did too."nah come on, I'll grab the torches and pitch forks and I'm away" we were laughing then he spoke with a hint of seriousness.

"nah...i broke it off with Kim...shes just changed and I don't like it..." I looked down and could see he had a sad expression on his face.

"hey hey" I lifted his chin so he was looking at me "fuck that bitch, well maybe not literally well you can but don't haha anyway people change and it can sometimes be for the better...or worse " I smiled and looked at him. A smiled was then painted on his face, I noticed the time on my watch, and I panicked we didn't have long until we were meant to be home.

"oh Jesus Christ! Kida time to head home before Joesette!" I could see the fear in kida she came sprinting over and hugged my tightly.

"I'm sorry jungkook but we have to go" I said quickly putting her coat on

"do u want me to walk u?" he asked sitting up

"no no it's perfectly alright..." I said zipping her coat up. "okay ill see you tomorrow jungkook, quickly say goodbye kida" she hurriedly hugged him

" bye bye kookie "

"bye bye kid" she smiled.
She ran ahead of me.

"bye jungkook" I turned to run but he grabbed my wrist and turned my for a hug

"do I not get one? bye victoria" he pulled away and smiled.

"my bad sorry, good bye kookie" I ran off and turned after 2 meters

"oh shit forget I said that!"

"no it's okay if u call me that!" he answered, I smiled and joined kida and ran home.

thankfully we arrived before Joesette came home, but when she did, I was not impressed nor did I expect this to happen so soon...

Cold blooded killer [[jungkook fan fiction ]] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now