Chapter 12: Getting Better?

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Jungkook POV

She's not getting any better, her grief is turning her into a big broken mess, sometimes at night I can hear her cry, I spend most of my time with her. The boys worry just as much as I do, they seem tired even though we don't really sleep, just depressed.

however Its breaking my heart, I had understood my self now, I've no longer ignored them, I've accepted my feelings and its true... I like Victoria... I asked Jin for advice, he told me to tell her and maybe companionship might boost her well being up.

I agreed with him but she is trying to gain her old self back but its stilling needing some help. If I dropped this on her now, I don't know if she can take it. My feelings are mine. I can't out this on her shoulders, she might not even feel the same.

She was eating and exercising more but I knew she just wasn't her self ever since kida and learning she is part demon and part guardian. She's learned her to control her powers and when to use them and shit. I got to tell you its like a scary sexy, its just me being me. The vampire within me can have the oddness attractions. Her acting all animal and fierce its hot, makes me feel more towards her. Its killing me.

My hunger for blood has risen, the need for hers was great and frankly I have no idea how long I can take.
She and I have gotten so much closer its unreal, plus, the others have backed off a little, jin, he's still trying but only a little.

My hunger always has bad timing but I don't want to pounce on her when she's depressed of anything. Being a vampire sometimes is incredibly annoying.

I have noticed she has been going out a lot more, which isn't good, she may come across to the others as being a healthy 19 year old but she wasn't fooling me. She always goes out for a "walk" but I'm really not sure in fact I feel worried for her. A lonely girl walking alone.
I've volunteered before but she says its okay and just smiles at me.

It was 7pm and she was getting ready to go out, I leaned on the door pecking in, trying to be unnoticed, she wore a black tight pencil skirt with a slit down the side, with a neon colored belly cut top.

Where was she Going? From what I'm seeing it seemed like she was going to a strip club or something, my vampire would of thought damn shag her, but the human side of me said no follow her so trouble doesn't Happen. Because with the clothes she's wearing trouble will come.

she then lifted a long black jacket, it was a bit big with a fake fur hood bit, it covered most of her legs. Hiding what she was truly wearing.

I quickly dived into my room grabbing my hoodie and leather jacket, I placed my hood up and I was dressed in black, I ran over the the window opening it, I turned around to see a Victoria walked out her room and heading towards the front door. I jumped and hid behind a bush. The front door open and I heard her come out.

"I'm heading out for a Walk, be back soon!" she shouted and began making her way towards the city.
Something doesn't feel right, I know I seem like a stalker but vampire instinct plus something is bound to happen.

Victoria POV

I wanted alcohol, no I needed it. It was like a craving I needed to satisfy. gosh I sound like Joesette, but she didn't have an excuse I did, And it hurts like hell.

I walked down the City, the streets were empty apart from the drunks and village idoits, I then found a club at the other side of town near the woods. "the pink raven" it was called I sighed and gave the bouncer a few bucks to let me in, I got in and the music was blaring.

My senses were stretched out, I battled my way through the crowed dancers and landed at the bar, I ordered a shot, then another, then another, another, another.

"damn, your good at shots" I heard a voice beside me say. I unzipped my coat reviling my outfit, plus it was seriously hot in here, so many people were around and it was hard to even breath.

"ha! Good? I'm great!" I say smirking at him. He wasn't attractive that much but he was certainly muscular. I just need a distraction.

"ill have a make a bet with you, beat me at shots and ill give you a kiss" he said I giggled at him.

"and what if you win?..." I asked him, he then leaned closer into my ear

"ill take you home with me and have a game of 10 minutes in heaven" he whispered. I knew I would win.

"alright your on!" I shouted, I tried to talk loud but the music was overpowering.

After about 10 more rounds I was starting to get tipsy, then he ordered a fire shot, a fire shot had some really strong shit in it then after 10 more of them. I was drunk.

"you win" I hiccupped, stubbing off my stool. "you win, now do I give you my number?"

"no come on" he held my hand and we exited the club.

Jungkook POV

I saw her leave with a guy, he wasn't the best looking and let's say she could do better, he held her hand while they were both stumbling, I moved forward a bit to see that was happening and I could see him leading her down the clubs alley way, I followed and it was a long alley way so no way could they spot me.

They were both a drunken laughing mess, he then lifted her up making her legs wrap around her waist, and suddenly started to kiss her by pinning her up against the wall.

It was breaking me to watch, I wanted to be him, why is she doing this?

I took deep breaths, we vampires can mind read but only to a few people or on certain times. And he was a dirty minded Prevert. His thoughts are the worse, I wanted to rip his head off of what he was thinking about doing with Victoria.

I could hear her moan when he was kissing her neck, the hunger came, I this whole situation was making my thirst rise, I may not like it but us creatures have to live off 3 things, blood, human food and sex. I don't like it but its true.

This was making me want two of those things. I controlled myself to stay quiet and calm. But it was seriously difficult.

"wait please a virgin..." she said pushing his chest and dropping her legs "I can't, I'm sorry..." she looked so sad and down it was sad to see, but it least I know she's not having meaning less sex or shit.

"you fucking kidding me?!" the guy said mad and outraged "so I thought I was going to have a fuck tonight?! Un fucking believable" he then let her go storming off outraged and frustrated.

"wait please don't leave me!" she shouted out, she started to cry "don't leave me like everyone else..." she muttered.

She stood up and continued to the walk/stumble down the alley way. I followed her even though I wanted to hold her tight and not let go.

she stumbled into a liquor store and came out with a big bottle of whiskey, she had already started to drink it, she was heading over to the woods.

I took to the trees and followed her then. After what seemed like forever, she stood and fell to her knees, this place seemed familiar...then I remembered kida...she was killed here...

"I'm sorry sorry" I hear her finishing off her whiskey. Out of rage, she threw it across and it smashed.

"fuck you world! Having to go kill the innocent, well you know what?! Take me asshole!" she shouted "take me and bring her back..."
I was about to jump down and hold her like I've wanted to do but she then started to sing where is my mind which was a beautiful song to sing.

She sounded so broken and messed up, I started to cry... I felt so sorry for her, I wanted her to be happy, and free of this hurt, liberated from the pain... She curdled into a little ball, and after a while of not moving I think she passed out, I jumped down and cradled her in my arms a little bit, her face was to beautiful and peaceful I was just wanting her to be her old self again...

But I knew that wasn't going to happen... I carried her home and lay her in back I had removed her coat and clothing revealing her underwear, believe me, I loved, adored what I saw but if I truly feel and care for her ill wait, I threw come pjs on her and cuddled her under the covers in her bed. And slowly fell asleep.

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