Chapter 6: Kicked out

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Victoria POV

We arrived home and no one was in. Thank fuck. I walked into my room, I tripped over my bag, I had always kept a bag of food, water, clothes, money the things we need to live. Just in case Joesette did something I also have one for kida as well, I would never leave her here, Joesette never cared for her at all so I don't think she would even noticed if we're gone.

But the bags were like hiking/camping bags, so its really spacious and room wasn't a problem. I had things for this season, plus a small pop up tent big enough for us. I mean, I know it sounds silly but frankly I'm scared of what will happen if we leave and don't have anything or anywhere to go.

"okay sweetie get ready for bed okay?" I said eye level with kida.

"okay Vicky" she said she hugged me tightly and got changed I did too. As we were about to sleep, we heard the front door open with such force.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU BITCHES?! COME HERE I WANT TO PUNCH SOMETHING!" I heard her say kida held her teddy tightly and I heard her whimper. I hugged her

"don't worry just open that window" I pointed, she nodded and opened it. I threw out our bags they weren't that heavy but it think its now time to leave.

"ILL FUCKING KILL YOU BOTH" feared for kida, I put her biggest warmest coat on and I jumped out of the window, it wasn't too far from the ground, 2 meters maybe. "jump kida Vicky will catch you!"

"I-I m scared!"

"trust me kida...ill catch you!"

"I cant"

"I'm not leaving you kida! Never!! Ill never let anything bad happens but u need to jump!"
she nodded, she dropped her teddy and jumped after it. I caught her without any problem.

"come on sweetie" I carried our bags and kida ran beside me.
I could hear Joesette swear and swear but then I heard bang or a thud I think she passed out.

Kida was too slow so I picked her up and carried her far away from that place, tears streaming down my face. Kida was crying to much, I could feel that she was sad but happy like me...sad because we stayed there and because we could of died ntonight if we didn't leave. Happy because we were free of that witch and kida and I are still breathing. I had no idea where to go but then I thought the park.

The gate was closed but I found a way in. We walked up by the tree which was facing the full moon, I sighed, it was a beautiful night even tho the situation was ugly. I could see kida was so tired and when we reached the tree she fell and sat down.

"don't worry kida ill be quick..." it was a Friday so I didn't have to worry about school and uniform.
I set up the tent and placed a sleeping kida in and wrapped her up in a heavy thermal blanket with her teddy. I placed the bags in and I say outside I was too awake. I wrapped another one around me.

"why did you leave me like this? I'm trying, I really am...i miss you guys..." I said letting a tear making its way down my face, staring up at the stars. Hoping they could hear me, my parents.

"who do you miss?" I spun quickly to see a jungkook leaning against the tree.

"jungkook!" I said in shock. What was he doing here? Who? What? When? Why? How?

"Shhhh you will wake kida up " he said putting a finger to his lips. I turned to the tent to see her sound asleep then he walked over to me sitting beside me and he wrapped me and himself in the blanket, it was cozy. I felt cold as he was and I could feel my cheeks growing red tho.

"sorry to startle you...what r you doing here anyway... Little late for camping"

"I decided to leave home with kida...its complicated...but let's just say its not safe..."

"why?" I looked at him and I saw him with worried eyes.

"it just isn' I need a plan b..." I said turning away looking into the distance again "were to stay..."

"you don't have anywhere?" he asked I could feel him looking at me but I ignored his gaze.

"nope...i truly don't have any family...kida is only my half sister..." he was taken aback from this and I could feel the pity he was giving me...Then I Cried.

"I'm alone jungkook...kida...she doesn't deserve a sister like me...or a mother like pathetic, ugly, fat, worthless, useless and all round stupid idiot" I said crying into my hands. I was suddenly turned into a a weird position and now I'm lying in between his legs my head on his stomach and hugging him it looks and sounds awkward but it really wasn't. I was then kneeling between his legs, looking into his eyes...his serious sad face hit me like a blade to the chest.

"you are definitely not those things...your not! and you can stay with me and BTS ... Your not alone Victoria...not while I'm around..." he pulled me into a hug. I was shocked, I never even knew he could be so Warm like this, so loving and kind.

"thank you..." I whispered into his ear. He let out a sigh and pulled me facing him nose to nose.

"your going to be okay  ...always..."

Cold blooded killer [[jungkook fan fiction ]] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now