Chapter 17: Protecting

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Jhope pov

I had a strange uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, something wasn't right. I sat up in bed and I messed my hair up before heading down stairs for a blood pouch. I opened the fridge and pulled one out, popping a straw in, I was about to head back to sleep when I noticed a white piece of paper with writing on it. Strange. Might not be anything important.

I walked away and then my curiosity got the better of me, I turned and looked at the paper from the stairs, hmmm. Fuck it! Let's read it. No one will ever know I did ^_^

Once I did, I had never have I been more confused, it was like a riddle and Victoria's name was at the bottom. But I needed tell the others this, what if she isn't home. I ran up the stairs quietly peeking in her room, it was empty and quiet.
Something isn't right.

"Jimin..." I said entering his room and shaking him Awake. He didnt move, "Jimin!"

"what?..." he said mad and confused, turning to look at me while rubbing his eyes. Vampires don't sleep, we rest and this is an emergency. I wouldn't wake him up if I knew something wasn't right.

"something is wrong " I told him bluntly. He sat up and glared at me before sorting his eyes with a sigh.

"yeah, your waking me up at this ungodly hour, that's what's wrong you idiot" he said pulling the blanket back over his head, I pulled It back

"I'm serious! Victoria is missing," he looked at me with confusion and tired ness.

"you sure?" he asked, he asked me almost boringly.

"yeah, she left this note, a riddle" I handed him the paper.

"a riddle? Why a riddle?" he asked sitting up and grabbing the note from me.

"I'm not sure...we should tell the others " I told him getting up and he sat back up reading it.

"why?" he asked me.

"cause she would of written where she was going but she hasn't so there is something obviously wrong " I said, jimin nodded tiredly and stood up. He grabbed a top and came over beside me.

"ill get Namjoon, V, suga and jin... You get jungkook" jimin smirked and walked out before I could protest. He knows jungkook will be freaking out along with anger, so I took a deep breath and made my way to his room. I knocked and opened his door.

"jungkook get up, its important " he wouldn't get up so I tried what jin told us to do it he didn't wake up. Twist his nipples

I leaned forward and twisted his nipples and he jumped up and twisted in the air.

"what the fuck man?!" he groaned on the floor.

"get up, something's happened..." I said trying to pick my words very carefully.

"like what? What could be so important?!" he said leaning on the bed standing up

"Victoria, she's missing-" before I could speak any further he cut me off.

"what?! What do you mean missing?" he said getting right up in my face, I could feel all his emotions due to my powers, but his feelings were all over the place.

"come down to the living room we will explain everything there" with that he stormed passed me and went down stairs.

Jungkook POV

Victoria. Where r you?

I panicked, worried for her, when jhope told me my heart dropped I need to see her and now. I need to find her, but where to start?

I joined the others in the living room jin, rapmon, jhope and jimin were wide awake and v and suga were the same only a little bit tired.

"can someone please tell me what the fuck has happened" jin said. I said next to suga on the couch and aloud V to run circles in my back as a source of comfort, that was his power too, his power was with science and he developed the touch of comfort and reassurance.

"someone has taken Victoria..." rap monster said facing out the window. My rage was rising and I could tell V was trying to keep it at bay. "she left a note?"

"yeah here, I figured she left and left this" jhope said handing the note, why would someone take her, does this have something to so with kim? But I thought kim had fights with me not her. I'm so angry and confused.

"why a riddle? I mean why couldn't she just tell us?" suga said "it would mean we could find her"

"she couldn't tell us her where she is, is somewhere in this riddle..." rap monster said continued to look out the window.

"so let's figure it out then!" I shouted moving forward to the table where the note was.

"I have gone to a place of rest
where business men met and tourists stay, isolated and Alone, and yet still close to home. That is were I must find out the truth of a mistake or misfortune had occurred? what?!" I said turning to face the others "what is this supposed to mean?!"

"calm down jungkook, V hold him" Jhope said, V came up and tried to hug me but I struggled then soon I relaxed, damn his powers.

"right, business men met and tourists stay?...a tourist attraction?" suga said stretching.

"alone and isolated and yet still close to home...somewhere in town, so she's in town..." Jin said. We all nodded. I wanted to run out and just wonder aimlessly looking for her, she could be dead by the time we get to her now.

"okay somewhere abandoned here in town..." Rapmon said.


"holy shit! I know" V said pushing me away "the hotel! Business people go to met, tourists go to stay, its alone but still in town..."

"and I guessing its because Kim told her too " jin said. "plus V your too smart"

I clenched my fists and punch the grow making a huge hole in the ground. Kim. I'm going to kill her. I knew it.

"right okay, here's the plan, we go and find Victoria in the hotel and we stick together, Kim has a feels special powers so be careful" I said, everyone looked at me shocked since I stood up and made a plan with rap monsters permission, everyone turned for his approval.

"you heard him, we leave now" he said, I smirked.

- at the hotel -

The smell was over powering and V was nearly sick, we walked in and I was leading us along beside rap monster. she was here I could smell her. Don't worry Victoria were coming.

"jhope can you tell if anyone is here?" jimin whispered to him. Jhope closed his eyes and from the look of them it looked like he was trying to crush them.

"no...something is blocking me from sensing" he replied taking deep breaths from trying so hard.

When we walked into the lobby I could smell her blood, hunger strikes and the burning in my throat returned I turned back to the others and I could see they were fighting it back too. I was worried for her, I fought against my hunger and needs and focused on her.

"okay let's go this way stay alert" rapmon said we nodded then a piecing sound split my ears apart, banging my ear drums. It was Victoria, I could tell her apart from anyone, her screaming and crying was enough to get me rivaled up.
I ran towards the scream leaving the others behind, I could hear them run after me.

"jungkook it could be a trap!" I heard rap monster say from behind me, I didn't care. I could also her growling and evil laughter I could recognize one which was Kim but the other I had no clue.

Once I reached the top of the hotel to were I thought the scream was, but I found something else...
The room was dark, damp and more importantly empty. There was a single light and under it was a recorder, it was a continues playing of screams laughter and growls, I walked over to it and switched it off. The others joined me from behind.

"what the hell...where is she?" I growled harsh and low.

"where is she?!" I shouted making the recorder fall. V held me and calmed me but it wasn't enough.
"I know where she is..."

Cold blooded killer [[jungkook fan fiction ]] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now