Chapter Two

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Edd's POV

I could tell that they were in the room, because everyone was quiet. My footsteps on the concrete echoed. Step. Step.

"Hey Sockhead," Eddy said looking up at me with his bloodshot eyes.

I nod, "Eddy."

"Are you going to talk to your coach about those tickets Edd?"


"Get on it then!" Eddy yells at me.

I don't jump like the rest of my swim team, I am used to his outburst. He started doing drugs in middle school when his parents got divorced and Ed and I were the only ones who stuck around as his friends. Which lead to us getting labeled as bad news. I had done drugs a couple times- well okay I did it about once a week. If it was especially stressful I did it a couple times a week.

"Okay boys, let's get on with practice. Our tournament is soon and we MUST beat the other teams! Edd you will watch and correct everyone and then we will all watch you and see if we can learn how to so this correctly." Coach said trying to say the team needs to pay more attention and practice more.

I end up competing with the swimmers as they practice. That way we can all see how it's done and how we can improve.

This is quite stupid if I have to say so myself. I'm the captain and I know the newbies are screwing everybody up. They suck and aren't going to win this competition unless they take practice seriously. I just know that I'm going to have to straighten them up.

"Okay. Everyone stop after this next lap!" I yell to everyone walking to the end of the pool.

It took longer than it should have, upsetting me more.

"This is ridiculous guys! We are going to look like Dorks in the tournament if we don't fix our mistakes!"

"B-but Edd we can't fix it," one boy musters.

I sigh frustrated, "yes we can! You know what guys extra long practice everyone."

Everyone quietly sighed.

"Let's get back at it!" I said giving orders to people on how to improve their swimming.

*Time skip*

Walking home after swimming was always exhausting, but I had to do it in order to maintain my health. Most people would wonder why I  would need to exercise more and well, to be honest I have always eaten less than I should and I always exercise more than anybody realizes. I'm not one of those people who don't want to eat because they are overweight, I just like being extremely skinny.

I have crashed into someone yet again today. I seriously need to pay more attention to my surroundings.

Looking down I see tiny Kevin. He looks confused but yet deep into his thoughts.

"What are you doing, nerd? Haven't I told you to watch where you are going?" I ask trying not to sound too harsh because he looked extremely nervous.

"Yes, you have told me to watch where I am going, but I am currently on my way home and I was lost in thought. I incredibly sorry Eddward." Kevin apologizes not really looking up at Edd.

"Well I guess we can walk together then, it's not like we live far away from each other," I say interrupt his apology. It was starting to get dark and if this kid was left alone he would be an easy target for the near by gangs and such.

As we were walking together Kevin manages to trip on the sidewalk, God knows on what- probably fucking air. I ended up catching him.

He looks up at me from my arms with glazed over eyes. It looks like he is so helpless and is going to cry, I can't have that. Setting him down I then ask...

"What's wrong, Pumpkin hair?"  Prying, I must know what is making him so upset. I have to know I am supposed to be the bad boy, but I can't stand seeing him upset about anything. If I can fix it than I will, if not I will do everything I possibly can in order to help him.

"Well, you see when we crashed earlier today I had my robotics project in hand, and when I fell to the floor it shattered. After I got to the robotics room Mr. Carpenter yelled at me telling me everyone is counting on me. It is just stressing me out, because I have to rebuild it and do all my other homework as well. Does that make sense? I just feel really down about letting the others down on the team." He explains letting a few tears slip when explaining how the teacher ended up yelling at him.

That drives me insane knowing the teacher yelled at him for something that wasn't his fault, looks like I'm going to have to correct a teacher tomorrow.

Looking at Kevin's distressed face over his project I automatically knew that I was going to volunteer to help. I can't let him get put down, it was technically half my fault as well for not paying attention.

"Tomorrow night at eight. Prepare for guests," I tell him. I will be going to his house tomorrow. He looks confused and stands there for a few seconds.

"Shouldn't you go inside and get some sleep? It is 9:00 PM." I tell him smirking seeing his annoyed face. I guess he is going to be tired tomorrow. Thinking about a tired Kevin makes me warm and fuzzy inside, but I brush that odd.

"Goodnight Edd," He rushes out and slams the door, going inside and probably going to sleep.

Smirking a little more to myself I reply, "Goodnight dork."

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