Chapter seven

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Kevin's POV

Holding hands we walk into the school together.

Eyes follow us as we walk along the hall.

Why are they watching us?

We are like all the other couples


we are two guys.

Why does this matter?

"Oh look at the two of them, it's like they don't even know what they are doing is wrong! How funny?" The group of bullies say trying to get us to react to what they are saying, and from the looks of it, it works.

Edd hugs me closer and walks both of us over to where the bullies are. "Do you want to repeat that bespawler?" He looks at the guys dangerously, waiting for them to repeat what they said to us.

I can't believe that this is happening, they already know that Edd and I were gay! Why now?

"What does that even mean, and you already heard what I said!" The bullies try to say getting a glare from both Edd and I. How do they not know what the word bespawler means? It seriously means to spit or dribble and a well bespawler means exactly that, a person who spits or dribbles when they talk. Thinking about what it means makes me laugh out in giggles, getting looks from all of them.

"What's so funny dweeb? Are you laughing at me? You know what happens when you do that!" The bully says getting closer and closer to me. I flinch and cuddle into Edd's chest, scared that they would beat me up like always. Edd holds me closer and nuzzles where my shoulder and neck meet, trying to calm me down.

"Calm yourself, Pumkin. I'm here, nothing's going to happen to you and I know for a fact that you won't get hurt ever again by anybody as long as I am here." Edd whispers into my ear.

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