Chapter twenty

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Kevin's POV

I woke up at four when I rolled over in bed, feeling a sharp pain in my ribs. My memory of last night came back to me, I sighed, and pushed myself up in bed... but hadn't Edd stayed over..?
Where could he have gone?.. perhaps he went home..?
I laid back in bed, honest to God bummed that he had left me in the middle of the night. Could this possible be like how it felt to have a one night stand- not that we had done anything..
I mentally cursed at myself for beginning to think about what might happen if- no.. Let's not go there.
I decided to close my eyes again, just for a bit at least.

My plans of a little more sleep were interrupted by the sound of my bathroom door opening with a loud creak. I slowly pushed myself up to see what was going on, only to make eye contact with a half naked Edd.
As in, he wasn't wearing a shirt and had a towel wrapped around his lower area.
My eyes go wide and I feel a big blush spread across my face.
This couldn't be real..

"Er... hi.." I spoke quietly, my voice creaking.

"Take a picture it will last longer," he teased.

I mentally smacked myself and averted my eyes away from his six pack (and maybe even the towel...). Gosh I need to keep myself under control.

".. Sorry, do you have any clothes I could borrow until I could run over to my house later..?" He asked almost embarrassed.

I quickly nodded and got out of bed (forgetting the pain that would shortly return to haunt me), I pulled out a large shirt my aunt had sent me two Christmases ago, that I was told I would grow into and a pair of sweats that could be loosened and/or tightened.

I handed them over to Edd making sure to keep my eyes away from him.

He chuckled and thanked me as I walked back to my bed.

He got dressed in my bathroom and came back out, making wish that the shirt was a shirt size or two smaller to show off his muscles more.

I am being such a creep today! I need to calm down! I mentally scolded myself for my inner thoughts with him right next to me.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes.. and sorry about using your shower.." Edd says coming to sit on the bed beside me.

Oh gosh.. he would've had to...

"It's all good," I say not expanding on the subject much due to my current state of thoughts.

"Okay. So.. um.. You should get some more rest, it is still too early for you to be up considering how late you went to bed, Pumpkin."

He didn't know how not tired I was right now though. I could do anything but sleep at the moment, all because the fortunate events.

"Pumpkin?" He asks after a few seconds.

I nod back into the real world and blush, "sorry I was caught up in thoughts."

"It's fine and if you don't want to sleep I guess you should go shower.. you smell like a stinky teen boy."

"I am a teen boy, not stinky though.. but if it bothers you so much-"

"I was joking!" Edd replies frowning.

"Maybe, but either way I should," I reply back patting him on the shoulder and push myself up off the bed.

"Hey!" He calls and I turn around from walking to the bathroom.


"Come here real quick."

Confused I go to him, "what?"

He stands up quickly, pressing his lips against mine, and wrapping his hands behind my head to push me closer to him. I, of course, was shocked at first- still not very used to this, but I kiss him back.

When we break apart, he is smirking.

"That is all."

I am at a loss for words so instead I head off to the bathroom to shower.

I strip down, turn on the water, and before I get in I make sure it isn't too cold nor too hot. When inside I feel the harsh sting of all the cuts and bruises exposed from my lack of clothes on. I close my eyes to try to drown out the pain and focus on the rhythm of the water falling. I don't last long and open my eyes. When I look at my own body I feel a rush of shame.
I couldn't protect myself.
I couldn't stand up for myself.
I am helpless- useless.
They should've killed me.
They would've if Edd - if he hadn't been there to save me.
I don't understand how so many people (how I could) could think he was a bad guy. I don't understand how people could think he is out there in the world to hurt everyone in his path. Without him I would've surely died last night in the school parking lot.

This gets my mind off the pain.

I get myself so worked up I begin to cry.

I can fill my cold tears going down my face mixing with the warm water from the shower.

I could feel my headache start to kick in.

I could feel my heartache.

I could feel my aching body as I scrubbed myself clean, wishing I hadn't agreed to shower.

The pain was so much more real right now than how it had been before my shower. It had died down in pain over night, but now it was being relived.
I could see and feel everything they had done.
Pushing, punching, stomping, threatening, and yelling.. screaming at me. Worst of all whispering in my ear making me shiver in fear.

When I finally shut off the water to the shower I am sure it had been at least an hour.. Time slips away when you are in pain. I took a deep breathe and dried myself off.
It could be worse, I reminded myself.
You have Edd and that's all you need, I add in there as well. Just these simple (stupid) thoughts make a difference in my mood and I smile.

Today can, will, be a better day!

Today I am spending it all with my boyfriend.
That is.. if he wants to..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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