Chapter sixteen

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Everyone cheered for what felt like hours, hooraying on our win, even if it had been officially announced yet.
I was pulled over to the side of the gym that had the judge tables up on a makeshift stage.
They presented us all with the scores and constructive criticism.

Everything else after that turned into a blur as the judges announced that our team did in fact win the competition.

We had a celebration as some of the crowd left. It wasn't like what I heard the football kids' parties were like, there wasn't any alcohol, drugs, or sex.. Quite the opposite actually. It was just a small group of nerds enjoying eachother's company, while people would stop and compliment the members on their contribution to the team's success.

Nazz, Rolf, and I were engaged in a heated debate over what houses we thought each other would be in at Hogwarts, when Mr. Carpenter came over to us.

"Sorry if I am ruining your parade," he spoke, but I had a hunch that he wasn't really. He probably needed students to do something, so he came to the responsible ones.

I was proven right when he continued talking, "However I will be needing volunteers to stay after to clean up the gym. It's a mess and I am not going to make the janitor do it all alone."

Nazz, Rolf, and I all agreed to help Alfred, the quiet janitor that nobody ever really talked to.

He smiled a genuine smile at us and turned to go off and chat with some other members of the club.

We found Alfred already working on cleaning up the gym all alone.

"Hey Alfred," Nazz greeted him with a smile, but the nervousness was evident in her stance.

"Hello," he said with a smile after stopping his work to look up at us.

"We were told you needed extra pairs of hands?" Rolf spoke next.

"Yes, that would be great. Other wise I would be here until school gets back in on Monday."

"Good thing, you have six extra hands around here, right?" I chocked out with and regretted how awkward I was.

He, however, didn't notice or didn't bother calling me out on it.

"How about two of you finish up over here and I will start on the other side of the gym with the other person."

Nazz and Rolf began their work together before I could get a chance to ask if one of them would like to work with me. I sighed, friends- you can't trust them to keep you out of awkward situations.

"So, uh- what do we need to do?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"Take decoration down, well what is left of it," Alfred started listing off things that we needed to do. This was going to take ages, and it was already six at night.

However, I wasn't going to chicken out now. If I say I am going to do something, I am going to do it.

I nod after he finishes his list of tasks for us to do and head to the other side of the gym, picking up decorations that had been ripped of the walls and thrown to the floor.

I winced in pain as I got a paper cut from one of the self-made flyers the student council made. Blood began to peak out of the cut making me feel sick. I don't want to say that I squeaked and ran over to Alfred, but if I didn't then I would be a liar.

"Alfred!" my voice came out quiet with a voice crack. I ignored my cringe worthy moment, because my mind was on how I was going to bleed to death from a paper cut!

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