Chapter 1/Prologue

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(Y/N)'s POV

I breathed heavily as I laid on the ground. I'm lucky I'm not dead. The fall was huge. Thank God these flowers broke my fall, but there was still pain. I lifted my head groggily and checked my surroundings. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I held my head as I finally stood up. Maybe I wasn't alone after all. A golden flower that stood taller than the rest sprouted into view. It was beautiful. I reached out to touch its delicate petals when it grew a face in its center. I gasped and jumped back, recoiling my hand.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower," the flower introduced itself in a high-pitched voice. I regained myself and gave a small wave. The flower chuckled and continued, "You're new here, aren't you? Well, someone must teach you the ways of the Underground." He looked around, but gave what looked like a shrug. "I guess little old me will have to do." Once he said that, five small, white pellets appeared above him. I stared at them quizzically.

"What are those?" I asked Flowey.

He seemed to giggle to himself once I asked. "Those are 'friendliness pellets'. LOVE is shared through these. Here, let me give some to you. Catch as many as you can!" I reached for them, but once I touched them, pain shot through me. I flinched as a message came up to me saying, '1/20 HP'. I looked over at Flowey, and he was smiling with malice. I tried to back up but couldn't. I was frozen to the spot. I started to panic. "You IDIOT!" Flowey yelled at me. "In this world, it's KILL or BE killed!" More white pellets completely surrounded me, and Flowey started to laugh maniacally. "DIE!" The pellets floated closer and closer to me, and I braced myself for the pain. But it never came. I opened my eyes and loosened up when I saw that Flowey was gone. Instead, an adult-sized, white-furred monster that resembled a goat stood there. The monster had a long, purple dress with a big white symbol on the front. Her eyes were filled with concern. I could finally move, so I edged away from her until my back pressed against the wall. She reached her hands out, but I closed my eyes, waiting for a blow.

"Oh dear. Please don't be afraid of me. It disgusts me to even think about hurting someone," she said in a voice of silk. I slowly opened up my eyes and stared at her warily. She creased her eyebrows in sympathy and held out her hand. I placed my hand in hers, and she helped me up. Was this someone I could trust?

"I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins," Toriel smiled. "Do you have a name?"

I hesitated before answering. "(Y/N)," I whispered. Toriel smiled wider and started to walk towards a large set of purple doors.

"Well, I can't exactly leave you here, especially with your health so low," she said, gesturing to my health bar. "Plus, you must be terribly cold. Your hand is freezing!" I stopped in my tracks once she said that. I always did that when I got scared or angry. I decided to hide that from her for now. I couldn't risk it. She might kill me if she saw me as a threat.

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