Chapter 11

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Better get comfy, buddy. This is a long story," Sans told me, sitting on the couch. I pulled my legs up to my body in criss cross applesauce style and held my head in my hands, all attention on Sans. Sans looked down at his feet like it would hurt to say a word about the story. "Where to start?" Sans sighed, scratching behind his head. He thought for a moment before he continued. "OK. First things first, Frisk is normally nothing like that. They don't open their eyes or smile like that. I don't wanna freak you out, but Frisk was being controlled by another being—a demon named Chara." My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped open. Well, that was a demented start to a story. Sans noticed and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, kid. Don't blame me, blame Chara for being such a creep. Anyway, Chara wasn't always a demon. She was actually the first human that fell down here." My eyes brightened, and I scooted closer to Sans. "Asriel, the King and Queen's son, saved Chara from the fall. For 3 years, Chara stayed with the King, Queen, and Asriel, that is, until Chara grew very sick. The family was devastated, especially Asriel. There was nothing they could do to save her. Chara's final wish was to see the surface again. With that, Asriel turned into a very powerful being and carried Chara to the surface." I looked at Sans quizzically once he said the last part.

"Sans, I thought monsters couldn't cross the barrier. Was the barrier around back then?" I asked Sans. He smiled down at me. It looked like he was slightly relieved that I went off topic.

"That's easy, kid. Yes, the barrier was around. Humans can pass through it, but you need at least 7 human SOULS to completely destroy it. Since Asriel turned into a very powerful being, he could cross through it," Sans explained. I nodded in apprehension and waited for him to continue. "Anyways, once Asriel and Chara made it to the surface, Asriel laid her on a bed of golden flowers in the village she came from. But, the humans saw Asriel and attacked him with everything they had. This was because the humans thought Asriel killed Chara. Now remember, Asriel has the capability to destroy all of them with a wave of his hand, but he didn't. Instead, he walked away like it was nothing and went back to the Underground. Once he was home, he collapsed onto the garden of golden flowers that the King absolutely loved, and his dust spread over them." I gasped once Sans stopped and noticed a bright blue tear fall from one of his eyes. He shakily continued, "The whole Underground was devastated by the death of Asriel and Chara. The King declared war against the humans and vowed to kill every single one that fell down here. The Queen was disgusted with her husband's actions and left, never to be seen again. The next day, Flowey appeared in the King's garden. News got out that he just appeared out of nowhere. Flowey claimed he couldn't feel any emotion and didn't remember how he ended up in the Underground. I was 15 and apprentice of the Royal Scientist then, so I decided to start doing research about Flowey." I gaped at Sans. He glanced at me, blushing slightly, but continued. "I interviewed Flowey, studied the spot where he appeared, and even the root system of the flowers he appeared in. I studied the root system for a while and noticed that the roots of the golden flowers in the King's garden connected to the flowers in the human village where Chara lived. That wasn't useful to me at the time, but I still found it intriguing. After a long time, we, the Royal Scientists, finally found the answer to Flowey's appearance: DETERMINATION. That's what led to the big study of DETERMINATION that's still happening now. So after studying DETERMINATION for a little longer, we found out that Flowey was Asriel. From what our studies said, Asriel died, used DETERMINATION to live on, and woke up as Flowey, but he also woke up Chara in the process. Chara didn't awake as her original form, either. Instead, she became a demon with crazy and demented powers. The only reason that Chara awoke along with Flowey was because the root system they died on was connected." Sans finished with a sigh. I couldn't do anything but stare at him. That was intense. I never knew Sans was a Royal Scientist. That's amazing!

"How did you become the apprentice of the Royal Scientist?" I questioned Sans excitedly.

Sans closed his eyes and let out a chuckle. He opened them back up and looked at me. "You're never satisfied, are ya?" He asked. I shook my head, and he sighed. "Well, if you're dad is the Royal Scientist, you're kinda dragged into it, too." I waved my hand for him to continue. He seemed to get the idea and let out a long sigh, but continued. "I wasn't the only apprentice of the Royal Scientist. Alphys was, too. Papyrus was young when I was the apprentice, so he couldn't learn. Anyways, I decided I didn't want to be the Royal Scientist, so I left when I was 18. That was also when . . . When Dad died from his own invention, the Core, and Alphys had to take over." Sans growled the last part, and his eye started to glow blue, blue tears falling down his face. I quietly slid next to him and started to pat his back. Sans collapsed on my shoulder and started sobbing. I let him stay there and tried to comfort him. After a while, both of us fell asleep.

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