Chapter 20

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in such a long time. I've been pretty busy. I thought that when school started and I get my computer back, I'd update more, but nope, school's giving me a skele-ton of homework. I'm sorry, I had to make that pun. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

(Y/N)'s POV

I let Sans sob into my shoulder. His sadness seeped into me. My sensitive nature made my vision blurry with unwanted tears. I had to stay strong. I didn't know exactly who he missed. My only guess was Gaster. I couldn't think of anyone else. All of his friends and his brother were fine. But just to make sure, I asked him. "Who?"

Sans lifted his head and wiped at his eyes uselessly since the magical blue tears wouldn't stop dripping out. He took a few shaky breaths, attempting to steady himself despite his condition. "M-my dad, Gaster. He had two c-cracks on his face." No more needed to be said as he softly ran his finger along his own crack, his eyes fixed on his reflection.

I felt so bad for him. He has been beaten left and right mentally, emotionally, and physically. How he's still sane baffles me. He was the strongest person I knew. I've seen people lift two-hundred pound weights a day. I saw people who recovered after a severe car crash flashing on the news. But none of those stories could compete with Sans's story. He pushed through when there was no hope left for him in the world. He was sucked of every ounce of happiness until he was almost drained away. The only string anchoring him to the ground was his friends and family—I knew he wouldn't give them up for anything.

"I don't know how you do it. I'd probably be hitting my head with a rock if I went through all that," I admitted to Sans. The skeleton looked down at me with surprise but it soon faded into a crooked smile. A real, genuine smile. He knelt down to my level and held my hands softly, his bony phalanges cold but the way he held mine made them warm.

"Now, normally magicians never reveal their secrets, but I think I can make an exception. Wanna know?" Sans asked, his tears finally clearing. I just gazed down at his empty sockets as he spoke. He grasped my knuckles a bit tighter as he said, "You."

That single word meant everything. Some words slap you in the face, or tickle you so you laugh, or even crack open your heart and fill it with a cold, merciless substance that makes you feel dead inside. This . . . This warmed my heart, flushing my face, and making my tears run faster. I don't know why we cry when we're happy. But that's what I did. The organ inside my chest couldn't hold all this happiness in one place. The only place they would go is out the windows to the soul. This is the way people know you're truly happy—because tears never lie, and if they came from your soul, then they must truly mean something to the person kneeling before you.

And Sans understood.

He moved his bony fingers from my hands to around my small body and pulled me close. His fur hood settled around my face like a pillow and his jacketed arms locked around me was a plush blanket of comfort that I needed. I thought the words he spoke to me were important but this hug conveyed such a stronger message. Our embrace was like a clasp snapped together on a heart locket. It may seem like we were just sharing a hug but really, we were having a conversation that could never have been said in words. He was telling me that he was okay, that we all were. He was telling me that even though our hug would have to end, we would always be as close and locked together like we are now—he was never going to let go. And I told him that I loved him. I told him that he was so much more than anyone else in the world was to me. He was more than my own dad; he was more than my whole family; he was more than all the people I have met in my short eleven years of life. I told him he was so much more and no one else could match him.

The next meaningful message we shared was when he let go and stared me into my (E/C) eyes with his ghostly pinpricks. We both understood that everything that happened here stayed here. This moment is when we were going to move on and ditch the awful memories that would jerk us from our sleep and haunted our every thought.

Sans then moved to grab new bandages from under the sink and wrap up his eye, shutting off our silent conversation. He twisted the white fabric around his skull until the crack and his eye socket disappeared from sight. He then neatly tore off the excess and stuffed the bandages back in their rightful place. He glanced at me before standing back up and facing the door. Walking through this door would mean starting a new life and leaving the heartaches behind. I felt a bony hand snake back into my small hand. I didn't have to look up to know that Sans was smiling down at me. This journey was going to be made together with our friends waiting for us on the other side of this white wood.

And then he opened the door.

A/N: Wow, such a long chapter, I know. But trust me when I say this, the short end will definitely help progress the story. I think the next chapter will be the last, just a heads up. But I think this story has gone on long enough and needs to be put at rest. It was fun to write. Again, sorry it took so long to finally end it, but I was very busy and I lost motivation. I finally got it back and I'm here to finish this. Until next time!

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