Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

Toriel was still gawking at me. It made me a little uncomfortable, but she stopped after a while. She kneeled down and grabbed my hands gently. "I believe you can protect yourself," Toriel started, her eyes filling with tears. "You can go but please don't come back. I hope you understand." Once she finished, she hugged me, and I felt a few tears fall onto my shoulder. She let go, raised herself off the ground, and hurried back to her house. She looked at me for the last time and continued on. I let out a shaky breath, turned, and tugged the massive doors open. I was blinded by a bright light and in response, I covered my eyes until they adjusted to the sudden brightness. I looked back down the hallway. I could always close the door and run back upstairs into Toriel's arms and forget the idea of leaving. I shook my head and faced the daylight. I stepped outside to find roaring winds tugging at me. I closed the door and turned towards the journey I got myself into.

I stood shivering by the doors taking in everything. A clear path carved its way through a forest of pine trees. The path looked like it went on forever. Everything was covered in snow. I decided that the best way to stay warm was by moving. I hugged myself for extra warmth and headed down the path.

While walking, I couldn't help but feel as if I was being watched. I stepped over a sturdy-looking stick and continued on. I heard a snapping noise behind me after I took a few steps. I spun around but couldn't find the source of the sound. My eyes widened as I saw that the stick was broken into two. I looked around warily with my (E/C) eyes. The wind blew some strands of my (H/L), (H/C) hair into my face, so I brushed it away and quickened my pace. I heard swishing deeper in the forest, and my hands started glowing white. I looked around again, but I let my eyes settle on a black silhouette with a bright blue flame toward the top of it. It actually looked a lot like an eye. I took a step back, and the silhouette moved forward. I scrambled back further, until I could see that the silhouette was actually a short skeleton with black shorts and a bright blue jacket to match it's flaming eye. The skeleton looked warily at my glowing hands. My breathing got shallow once I saw the skeleton. I was so scared that I summoned a wall of ice in case the skeleton attacked me. Bad idea. The skeleton's eye glowed brighter once he saw the wall of ice, and he shoved his arm out and clenched his fist. I couldn't move. He threw his arm upward, and I flew into the air. He unclenched his fist and I felt myself falling. I landed with a thud on the ground. All I felt was pain. My HP bar read, '1/20 HP'. The skeleton drew near and clenched his fist again. I felt myself pinned against a tree.

"No, please. Please don't kill me," I pleaded as he approached. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry." I closed my eyes and braced myself for the final blow, but instead was released, and I fell down. I opened my eyes to find the skeleton staring at me curiously, and his eye gradually grew dimmer and dimmer.

"So, humans have magic now?" the skeleton questioned. He didn't direct the question at me but more to himself. He had a more lower-ranged voice but not too low. I could tell the skeleton was a male. I steadied my breathing and sat up. He watched my movements carefully, and he put his hands into his jacket pockets.

"No, humans don't have magic. I'm the only one that has magic as far as I know," I said, finally answering his question. He raised an eyebrow-well, the bone where his eyebrow would be. He still looked wary. He looked serious all of a sudden, and his eyes went black. Before, they at least had white dots acting as pupils.

"Did you kill anyone?" he asked. I was taken aback by the question, but shook my head. I was telling the truth. He hesitated a moment before his eyes returned to normal, and he started smiling. "Good, otherwise you would've had a bad time," he said shrugging. "I'm Sans, by the way." He reached out a hand, not to throw me into a tree, but to help me up. I took it and got to my feet.

"I'm (Y/N)," I said shivering, both from the cold and from what I just experienced. Sans noticed I was shivering and motioned for me to follow him. I did as I was told and followed him until we saw a wooden bridge with bars going through it.

"Uhhh . . . Sorry about throwing you around like a doll back there," Sans said, scratching behind his skull. He looked genuinely sorry. I rubbed my arm and looked down. This was very awkward. He looked back at me, and I did the same. "I wasn't expecting a human to have powers. I never saw that before. I thought you were dangerous, so I just . . . fought. How about we just forget this?" Sans suggested holding out his other hand. I looked down at it and took it. Once I did, a huge fart noise came from our hands, and Sans snickered. I looked at him like, 'What are you, two?' "The old whoopee cushion in-the-hand trick. It's always funny!" Sans claimed. I glared at him, but the glare slowly faded and a smile replaced it.

"Dang it! I was trying not to smile," I said, and Sans started laughing.

"Sorry, kid, but you can't not laugh at my jokes," Sans winked at me. I realized I had just made friends with a comedian.

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