Chapter 17

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(Y/N)'s POV

Everyone was still here, and we decided to have a sleepover. But before we did anything else, they demanded they get a good explanation of what happened. We quickly explained everything that happened minus the part where Sans took away Flowey's and Chara's powers. I was going to tell them about it, but I got a firm glare from Sans who also made the sign to zip my lips. I remembered that the others didn't know about RESETS, so I kept quiet about the last part. Everyone was furious once we finished telling our story. Undyne swore vengeance soon followed by Papyrus, but we reminded them that there was no one left to carry out the vengeance. Everyone soon left to gather their things for the sleepover. Alphys asked if she could bring Mettaton over, too, and we agreed, but Sans thought the opposite but said nothing out loud.

Everyone came back with their things. Alphys, Mettaton, Undyne, Papyrus, Sans, Frisk, and I were all gathered in the living room with sleeping bags spread out and pajamas on. Even Sans had his pajamas on—a white t-shirt with gray sweatpants and his usual slippers. He had a little bit of trouble walking and standing up, but he finally managed with my help. Everyone seemed to be chill about what happened earlier. I wondered if they forgot that a lot of monsters were dead. Right now, we were all just talking to one another in groups or some stories shouted out to everyone. Laughs were shared, jokes and tales were told, and food was prepared and eaten.

Not only did everyone seem happy, but Sans did, too. After his fight, I would've expected him to be quiet and tired. Instead, he was acting like any other day but better. Even on his good days, he always seemed to be distant or very, very deep in his thoughts. His smile never seemed to be genuine either, but today, it was. Everyone could clearly see this, but no one mentioned it. Even with Mettaton around, it didn't seem to darken his mood, at least he didn't show it.

"Hows about a game, guys?" Sans suggested. He was on the couch with Frisk and me. Alphys and Undyne were sitting together on their sleeping bags in front of the couch. Papyrus and Mettaton weren't side-by-side, but they were sitting by each other on their sleeping bags positioned by the TV. Sans noticed this but shrugged it off but continued to keep an eyesocket on Mettaton.

"GREAT IDEA, BROTHER, BUT WHAT SHALL WE PLAY?" Papyrus asked. Everyone perked up and started throwing in suggestions but they were all jumbled together, so no one could understand what others were saying.

"Stop. Stop! STOP!" I yelled, raising my voice each time I shouted. Everyone stopped bickering and looked up at me. I let out a sigh. I swore sometimes they acted like little kids. I continued in a regular voice. "One at a time."

"Seven Seconds in Heaven."


"Truth or Dare."

Everyone else who didn't suggest anything agreed with the things already spoken. I sighed and thought about how we could settle this. I brightened up as I thought of an idea. "Alright. Raise your hands if you want to play Truth or Dare." Four hands. "Trivia." two hands. "Seven Seconds in Heaven." One hand and that one hand being Mettaton with a wink. I rolled my eyes at his wink. "Truth or Dare it is." Everyone glanced at each other and smiled, some smiles being evil. I guess they thought of truths or dares to ask people already. We all gathered in a closer circle, but Sans, Frisk, and I still remained seated on the couch, too comfy to move.

"Who's gonna go first?" Sans asked. We all looked at each other expectantly. Frisk raised their hand enthusiastically. We let them go first. They pointed at me. I thought for a second before choosing dare. Their dare wasn't horrible and made me do a handstand. I did it with ease, even showing off a little and balanced on once hand before throwing my feet back on the ground and picking myself up. They all clapped a little, and I gave a dramatic bow, Mettaton approving on my drama. It was my turn, so I looked around the group for my victim. I smiled as my gaze landed on Undyne.

"Undyne," I smirked. She mashed a fist into her palm and asked for a dare, stating she wasn't scared. I smirked even more. I knew she would go for a challenge. "Alright, I dare you to kiss your crush." She looked surprised and started blushing a little. She looked over at Alphys sheepishly and planted a kiss on her lips. They pulled away blushing.

"Ooohhhh~" Mettaton batted his eyes. "Alphys. You even kissed her on the lips, Undyne." Everyone but Alphys and Undyne caught up on his drift and started swooning. Undyne looked around with a confused and annoyed face.

"You told me to kiss my crush," Undyne protested.

"Yeah, you were told to kiss them, but (Y/N) never said where," Sans stated slyly, wiggling his nonexistent eyebrows.

Realization struck Undyne hard, and her eyes widened with her blushing even more. She looked down and crossed her arms over he chest. "Never mind." She perked up and looked at Sans. "Sans, truth or dare?" I could tell immediately that Undyne wanted vengeance.

"Truth," Sans said, picking up on Undyne's tone and tried to go the slightly easier route. Undyne chuckled evilly. Sans tensed up on the laugh and smiled nervously. Undyne whispered something to Alphys, and she started giggling. "Who's your crush and tell us how much you like them on a scale of one to ten!" Sans's right eye closed halfway. I'm sure his left eye did the same, but we couldn't tell since his bandages covered it. He didn't look amused in the slightest. Concentrating his stare on the floor, he looked like he was about to say something with a shy smile on his face but stopped with his smile fading. Vengeance, sadness, fear, and determination were all swimming in his eyes. I leaned over to try and catch his gaze, but he was still concentrated on the floor. Everyone looked at each other confused but only Frisk and I understood after a few seconds. But before we could say anything, Sans pushed himself off the couch and walked slowly towards the door, limping a little bit.

"First off, I like Toriel," Sans said, stopping by the door. Silence filled the room but was soon broken when everyone stood up and asked him what he was doing and where he was going, but shut up immediately once they got a single stare from Sans, who's right eye went black and blue was glowing under the bandages. "Secondly . . ."

"I'd die for her."

He was just about to teleport away when Frisk and I grabbed his sleeve. In a blink of an eye, we were gone.

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