Chapter 10

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up in Sans's room covered in his blue bedspread. I glanced over at the alarm clock. It read 9:46 A.M. I remembered the events from yesterday and decided to ask Sans who won. I fell asleep right before Undyne and Sans were going to fight. I bet Sans won. The fight with him yesterday was challenging. It was good practicing, though. Now I know how to defend myself better, just in case. I got up from the cozy bed, smoothed down my blue sweater, and went downstairs. Sans was chilling on the couch, but Papyrus was nowhere to be seen. "Sans, where's Pap?" I asked Sans.

He turned in my direction and smiled. "Heya, kid. Pap's at work—sentry duty," I nodded and plopped down on the couch beside him.

"So," I started. He looked down at me and cocked an eyebrow. "Who won the fight?" I asked, tugging on his jacket sleeve. He chuckled and pointed at himself, winking. I giggled and told him, "I figured." He laughed at that and started giving me a noogie. I tried to pull his arm away from my head, but he was strong and continued. I decided to try a different tactic. I threw myself backward resulting with me flipping over the couch and onto the floor, landing on my back, and Sans, without a support, flopped onto the couch where I was sitting, landing on his belly. The wind was knocked out of me, and I laid on my aching back, gasping for breath. Air finally coming to me a few seconds later. Sans peered over the couch to look at me. At the same time, we burst out laughing. We were both howling with laughter until we were crying. We finally calmed down, but it took a while. For laughing so much, we just laid where we were, catching our breath. "Lesson learned: don't throw yourself backwards on the couch," I said matter-of-factly. Sans let out a chuckle at my statement. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. We both looked at the door quizzically. I moved to open it, but Sans pushed me away from it. I was going to ask him what's the deal, but he shook his head, and I understood why he did that. If it was someone at the door that was out for the last human SOUL, and I answered the door, I would be doomed. Sans put on a smile and swung open the door. With his free hand, he pushed me behind him.

"What's u-oh! Uh, hi Tori. Hi, Frisk," Sans stuttered. Way to keep your cool, Sans, especially around your crush. I giggled to myself quietly at the sound of Toriel's name.

"Hello, Sans. Frisk and I decided to stop by to see (Y/N). I also thought she and Frisk could be acquainted," Toriel explained in her sweet voice. Sans agreed and let them inside. At the same time, he pulled me out of my hiding spot and shut the door once they were inside. I faced Sans when Toriel and Frisk weren't looking, motioned to Toriel, put my hands together and slowly drifted them apart while letting out a deep breath—a sign to keep cool. Sans understood but looked like he wanted to strangle me. I held in my giggles and nudged him towards our guests.

Sans's POV

(Y/N) gave me a sign to tell me to keep my cool around Tori, so I gave her a death stare. I could tell she was holding in giggles when she pushed me toward Toriel and Frisk. I snapped my head around to glare at her, but I turned back towards Toriel when she started talking.

"It's very nice to see you again, (Y/N)," Toriel said, turning towards (Y/N). Toriel then turned to me and said the same to me but in a sweeter tone. I averted my eyes and blushed a light blue, smiling wide. I could tell (Y/N) was trying extremely hard to hold in squealing. After Frisk and (Y/N) got introduced, Papyrus came home and started making spaghetti, and Toriel was making butterscotch-cinnamon pie for dessert. Frisk and (Y/N) got along great. While Toriel and Papyrus were cooking in the kitchen, Frisk, (Y/N), and I sat on the couch and socialized. All was going great.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Wanna know a secret?" I whispered into Frisk's ear. They nodded and smiled, leaning in closer. "Sans likes Toriel," I told them excitedly. Frisk gasped, covered their mouth, and giggled. They gasped again and signed to me that we should find out if Toriel likes Sans back. My eyes and smile got wider at the idea and quietly clapped my hands.

"What are you two giggleworms laughing about?" Sans asked, peeking over my shoulder. I narrowed my eyes and smiled mischievously at Frisk. They copied my expression but erased it when Sans craned his neck farther over my shoulder. I wiped off mine as well and put on a smile when I turned to Sans.

"Nothing, Sans. Frisk and I are going to see if Papyrus or Toriel need any help," I said breezily. Sans cocked an eyebrow but nodded and turned on the TV. Frisk and I stood up and walked toward the kitchen. Once we were in the doorway to the kitchen, we exchanged smiles, but Frisk's normally closed eyes opened and flashed red but turned back to normal in a second. I stopped smiling and widened my eyes, frozen to the spot. They couldn't see me, but Frisk looked concerned and signed if I was OK. I hesitated a moment before I told them I was fine.

Time Skip, again . . . Deal with it!

I laid in Sans's bed, just staring at the ceiling. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. During dinner and dessert, Frisk's eyes kept changing for a millisecond to a red color and giving me a creepy smile. The worst part about it is that no one else noticed, not even Sans. If I told him, would he believe me? He believed me when I told him that I didn't kill anyone when we first met. Maybe he'll believe me about this. After all, he remembers all of the timelines. Perhaps he's dealt with something like this. I quickly crawled out of bed and ran downstairs. Sans was chilling on the couch watching late-night cop shows. (See where I got that from?)

"Sans?" I called to him and plopped down beside him. He smiled at me with his usual grin.

"What's up, kid? Isn't it kinda late for you to be roaming around?" Sans commented. He's completely clueless. If he would've noticed, he would be telling me his concerns right now, but that wasn't happening. I hoped this wasn't something major. I hoped my eyes were just playing tricks on me.

"Sans, something's wrong with Frisk. During dinner, their eyes kept opening and flashing a red color, and they kept giving me a creepy smile," I explained to him, rushing a little bit. Sans's smile dropped, and his eyes went completely black. His breathing got funny, and he stood up, crossing his arms and started pacing the room, his eyes still black. "Sans?" I asked him warily. Sans ignored me and kept pacing. He seemed very deep in his thoughts. This was starting to freak me out. I've never seen Sans like this before. "Sans?" I asked again, a little louder this time. Sans still ignored me; his left eye started to glow. I scooted back against the couch. "Sans!" I yelled at him. He finally stopped and stared at me. His eyes returned to normal and a look of concern spread across his face once he saw I was scared.

"Aw geez," Sans said, putting a hand to his face. He let out a sigh and removed his bony hand from his face. He chuckled and looked back at me. "I guess I have some explaining to do, huh?"

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