Chapter 19

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(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I yawned and stretched my stiff muscles. I carefully leaned off of Papyrus's chest that I fell asleep on and unfolded my legs. I remembered yesterday's events and looked to the couch with wide eyes. I let out a sigh of relief once I saw Sans's chest consistently rise and fall, and soft snores emitted from him. I smiled as an idea hit me. I would make everyone breakfast! I shuffled over to the odd kitchen door and slid it open. I slipped inside and shut it quietly. I flicked on the lights and got to work.

For an eleven-year-old, I knew how to cook pretty well. I dug out a bowl from the cabinet, flour, an egg, milk, vanilla extract, almond extract, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, salt, butter, and vegetable oil. The vanilla and almond extracts weren't needed, but boy, did pancakes taste better with them! I quietly sang a song—Castle by Halsey—while mixing the dry ingredients together, the wet ingredients, then mixing both of the mixtures. I grabbed a pan and set it on one of the burners, setting it to medium heat. I skipped over to a drawer of utensils and pulled out a ladle and a spatula. Once the pan was buttered and heated properly, I scooped some pancake batter in the ladle and poured it onto the pan. Feeling a little adventurous, I took the pan off the burner, shifted it to make sure the pancake was not stuck to it, and flicked my wrist upward, sending the pancake a foot above the pan. I smiled as the pancake flipped in mid-air and landed neatly back in the pan. I placed the pan back on the burner and waited for it to brown.

Not much later, all the batter was converted into a stack of pancakes, plenty for everyone. Satisfied with the pancakes, I opened the freezer and grabbed out a package of bacon. I licked my lips in anticipation as I placed each individual piece onto a new pan. They all sizzled for a few minutes before they were all thoroughly cooked. I slid the bacon off the pan and on a plate covered with paper towel. I gently dabbed (I realize what I wrote, just stop.) the bacon with the paper towel, so there wasn't too much grease. I set the plate of bacon and pancakes on the table with a smile and trotted out to wake the others for breakfast.

I jumped over to the pile of sleeping bodies in front of the couch and shook everyone awake. Once I was sure that everyone was up, I crouched by the couch and shook Sans awake a little gentler than I did the others. He opened his eyes and turned his head towards me since he couldn't see out of the side that I was on.

"I made breakfast," I informed him happily. He smiled and hugged me. I let go and stood back up. "I'll bring it to you!" I skipped back into the kitchen with the others following close behind. It was like a buffet; everyone grabbed a plate and filled it with all the food they wanted. I grabbed two plates and piled on some bacon and pancakes. I put my plate on my head and the other in both hands and slowly and carefully walked towards the couch. Sans was sitting up and watching TV but chuckled once he saw how I was carrying the plates. I handed him the plate in my hands and pulled my plate off my head. "Bone apatite," I joked before plopping down on the couch, my bacon almost falling off my plate. Sans laughed at my joke. In the doorway of the kitchen, Papyrus facepalmed and groaned, making Sans and I laugh harder.

"Thanks, kiddo," Sans thanked me after calming down and stared digging in. Everyone else thanked me in their own ways and settled either on the floor or the couch. We were all watching Tangled and eating our breakfast.

Everyone got up and shuffled into the kitchen once the movie was over. Papyrus sidestepped in front of me. "HUMAN, I MUST SAY, YOU ARE A VERY TALENTED CHEF!" Papyrus complimented before striding into the kitchen to wash off his plate. I smiled at the compliment and followed everyone into the kitchen again, once again taking Sans's plate.

I walked into the living room to find that Sans was gone. Panic filled me as I looked around. My eyes soon landed on him walking over to the bathroom at the end of the hall upstairs. I stared up at him before calling, "Sans, what are you doing?"

Sans looked down and leaned over the banister. He slid his magical, glowing, blue tongue over his teeth before replying. "Gotta brush my teeth. I may have been beaten and battered, but I still gotta do the necessities." I nodded before plopping down on the couch.

Soon after, everyone who was at the sleepover gathered their things and walked out the door, saying that they had to get back to their homes and wishing the best for Sans. I shut the door after Toriel and Frisk left. I sighed and plopped down on the couch again. I was watching Mettaton's show when I heard a bunch of thumping and clattering around upstairs. I jumped in shock and stared at the bathroom door which had a blue glow emitting under it. I felt my heart stop once I saw the blue glow. I ran up the stairs and swung the door open. Sans was staring at himself in the mirror, breathing heavily. His left eye was aflame, and the bandages on his face were laying in a clump on the ground. He was mainly focused on the large crack coming from his left eye.

"Sans?" I asked warily. Sans was unresponsive and was still staring at his reflection. I creased my eyebrows in worry. "Sans, you're not supposed to use magic, and you have to keep those bandages on." Sans finally tore his gaze away from the mirror, turned the light off, and gripped the edge of the sink. His eye stopped glowing, and his teeth were gritted together. A few tears managed to escape from his tightly shut eyes. I stared at him, confused by his sudden outbreak. I slowly went up to him and wrapped my arm around him comfortingly. He turned towards me and hugged me, crying into my shoulder.

"I miss him."

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