Chapter 18

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(Y/N)'s POV

I blinked away the pressure that was building up in my head and saw that we were in Toriel's bedroom. Sans was staring down at the pile of dust that used to be Toriel. I looked up at Sans, wondering what he was going to do. He slowly walked up to the dust and fell to his knees in front of it. Instead of breaking down, which I expected, he hesitantly put his hand in the pile of dust and made his eye start glowing.

"Sans, I know you want to revive her, but you can't use magic. Come on, let's find a different way to do this," I said standing behind him. Frisk was tugging his sleeve on the opposite side.

"I have to try," Sans protested insistently. I shook my head and tried to tug him away, but he didn't budge. Before I could say anything else, Sans was encircled in a blue aura along with the pile of dust. Then, there was a flash of bright light. I blinked away the brightness once it cleared. Standing in the middle of the room was not a pile of dust . . . but Toriel. Sans stared at her in disbelief. Toriel looked around in confusion until she laid eyes on Sans. She gasped and jumped back, a fireball in her hand.

"Stay back!" She ordered. Sans was no longer in disbelief but in shock. Sans reached a hand out to try and calm her down, but she launched her fireball at him. Sans couldn't react fast enough, but I did. I jumped in the way of the fireball, taking the blow. I was down to 13/20 HP. Toriel gasped again and covered her mouth in shock. "No . . . My child, why did you protect him? Get away from him." She pulled me into a warm embrace along with Frisk. I lowered Toriel's arm before she could do anything else. She looked at me in surprise and confusion. With Frisk's help, I explained everything to Toriel except for the part where Sans destroyed Flowey's and Chara's powers. Frisk even snuck in the detail about what he said before coming to the Ruins to try and revive her. Once we finished, Toriel's face was wet from tears, and her eyes still had tears in the corners. Sans was still kneeling on the floor, hanging his head in shame. I guessed he was listening to us recount everything and still felt guilty for everyone's deaths. Toriel walked over to Sans, kneeled in front of him, and hugged him. Sans was surprised at first but hugged back.

"I'm sorry—I'm so sorry—I tried—I'm so sorry—" Sans started but was cut off when he started sobbing. Toriel hugged him tighter and tried to calm him down. Frisk and I joined in the hug. We eventually got him to calm down. "Welp, now that I know I can do it, I have to try for the rest of the monsters."

"But Sans—" I started to retort, but Sans cut me off.

"I have to try." I sighed and backed off. Sans was stubborn. You can't fight with him, verbally or physically.

It took a while, but finally, every monster in the Ruins and the few in Snowdin were revived. Along the way, Frisk had to give some of their DETERMINATION to Sans so he could keep going. Once we were done, Sans collapsed into the snow, holding his head and groaning. All of a sudden, a large snap was heard, and Sans passed out. I could only imagine the worst. I slouched down beside him and turned his head toward me. As I suspected, the crack that was already growing out the side of his left eye grew larger and was peeking out under the bandages. With Toriel and Frisk's help, we carried Sans back home. Everyone that was at the sleepover was still there and panicking. Papyrus caught sight of us and started crying once he saw Sans. We laid Sans on the couch, and Alphys immediately pushed herself through with a few muttered apologies and settled herself beside Sans with her medicine bag. Toriel was by her side and helped in any way she could. Undyne, surprisingly, was trying to comfort Papyrus by telling him that his brother was tough. But I could tell she was doubting if her words were true or not.

Frisk kept signing that it was all their fault, but I hugged them to stop their silent rambling. They had a death grip on my sleeves as they cried into it. I rubbed their back reassuringly. I had my doubts as well, but I tried to keep positive. Someone has to be. At least Undyne was helping me.

Papyrus finally managed to calm down but was sitting on the floor glumly, staring at his brother. I dragged Frisk over to him and sat beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder. Undyne sat down behind us and wrapped her arms around us in a hug. Alphys and Toriel finally finished and trotted over to us to join our friend huddle. We all simultaneously scooted closer to the foot of the couch.

I looked over Sans forlornly. He has been beaten up left and right today. I felt so bad. I was also curious on how he was still alive. He has only 1 HP. Maybe his health goes down fractions at a time? He was a mystery in so many ways. Did anyone else know a bit more about him more than me? I should ask sometime, but now, I was only concerned about his health. My eyes, along with the other's, were starting to get heavy. I let myself drift off to sleep. Hopefully, I'd be able to wake up to see Sans instead of a pile of dust.

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