Chapter 12

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Sans's POV

I woke up and found (Y/N) snoozing peacefully next to me. Surprisingly, I had a peaceful sleep despite all I let out last night. I'm sure she's probably gonna ask more. Everyone who knew me thought of me as a mystery, and I didn't blame them. I've never told anyone anything about me, not even Papyrus, yet I told almost everything to (Y/N). For only knowing her a few days, I felt comfortable around her and felt like I could tell her anything. To think about it now, why should I care so much about telling someone about my past? They'll just forget if there's a RESET. But, there's an if. Frisk did say that they'll try and lay off on the RESETS, and (Y/N) told me she didn't have that power. My record wasn't the best, and people could blame me for things I haven't done. If they knew about the power I possessed, they could blame me for the death of the former Royal Scientist, also known as my dad, whose name was W. D. Gaster. It's quite simple, really: my power's strong, W. D. Gaster died right when I left, and I don't want anything to do with the Royal Scientists anymore. Oh, look, I'm overthinking things again.

(Y/N) stirred awake next to me and yawned. I smiled down at her and gave her a hug. "Mornin', kid."

She hugged back and sighed, "Good morning, bro." I froze and looked down at her in surprise. She smiled wider and giggled. Well, if she's part of this family, might as well get used to the name coming out of her mouth. I loosened up and hugged her tighter and tighter. "Sans," she gasped. "I get it." I let go, and she sucked up air like Undyne in Hotland. Once she caught her breath, she glared up at me jokingly. I just shrugged. I could tell that a light bulb went off in her head. I braced myself for the worst. "It's funny, Sans," (Y/N) started, smirking. I raised an eyebrow as she continued. "You're very strong, yet you don't have any muscles." She gave me jazz hands once she finished her pun. I stared at her, my smile getting wider and wider with each passing second. This is another reason why I love the kid: she makes horrible jokes, just like me.

"Oh, kid. That was a good one. You tickled my funny bone there. Now, I've heard a skele-ton of jokes before, but that took the cake. Do you think you can throw me a bone and tell me how you come up with such good puns? I think you're very punny." I said. I would go on, but the look she was giving me made me stop. Instead of giving me a death stare like Papyrus would, she just sat there staring at me in awe. I spread my hands and gave her a look that said, 'What?'

"All hail Punmaster Sans," she said. I laughed at her comment and nudged her arm playfully.

(Y/N)'s POV

That was amazing. Never before have I ever heard someone say that many puns in one go. I'm sure he would've said more, but he stopped once he saw my expression. I guess my face looked priceless. He nudged my arm once I told him he was the Punmaster. No one could deny that, not even Snowdrake.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked Sans. He thought for a few seconds and was going to answer, but he stopped and his face fell, clenching his fist. My smile fell as well, and I grew confused. What was bothering Sans all of a sudden?

"I have someone to pick a bone with," Sans muttered as he was shuffling towards the door. My eyes widened as I realized who he was talking about. I caught up with him and pushed his hand off the doorknob.

"I can't let you go alone! I can help, remember?" I pleaded, holding up a glowing white hand to try and convince him. He glanced at it for a second but turned away from it, narrowing his eyes. Instead, he raised his hand that was glowing bright blue along with his left eye, saying, "Have you forgotten who the most powerful monster in the Underground is?" My shoulders sagged. He was right, but it was dangerous. I was going to try and reason with him more, but he snapped his fingers and disappeared. Are you serious? He can teleport?! I ran towards the door in a panic and tugged on the doorknob, but it didn't budge. A blue aura was surrounding it. I'm guessing this was Sans's work. Sometimes, I really wonder how he became this powerful.

I was about to call Papyrus, but he wouldn't know who Chara is and why Sans would go fight her. I'm sure Sans wouldn't want me to tell Papyrus about it, either. I looked around for another way out and laid my eyes on the window above the couch. It, too, was covered in a blue aura. All the windows were encased in blue, along with the back door. I couldn't do anything. I've never felt more helpless in my life. I need to help Sans. He only has 1 HP! I collapsed onto the couch, clutching my head and started to cry.

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