Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV

Sans and I were sitting at the bar at Grillby's. We were having a great time telling jokes and puns. Earlier, Sans and Sans's brother, Papyrus, were arguing about Sans being a 'lazybones'. Sans cracked a few jokes and Papyrus left in disgust. I smiled as Sans turned towards me and told another joke.

"Knock knock," Sans smirked.

I rolled my eyes and asked, "Who's there?"

"Otto," Sans snickered.

I creased my eyebrows and smiled. "Otto who?"

"Otto know. I've got amnesia!" Sans smiled. I burst out laughing, and Sans did the same. We finally calmed down, and I bit into my burger. Sans smiled at me, but got lost in his thoughts while he was staring at my hands. I set my burger down and averted my gaze as well. The last thing I wanted was to be feared by everyone I met.

Sans's POV

This isn't good. I'd rather know that Chara was here instead of someone who possessed magic. Now this is what I call unnerving. I've never seen her before. She was unpredictable and could be dangerous. I felt my left eye flicker blue, and I looked away before she could notice. But she's been nothing but nice, I thought. I looked back over at her taking another bite into her burger, eyeing me with worry. I sighed and decided I would keep an eyesocket on her. If she kills anybody, she's gonna have a bad time.

I smiled at her and decided to get to know her more. "So . . . How old are ya, kid?"

She looked at me, slightly relieved that I broke the awkward silence and put her burger back down. "I'm 11. How about you, Sans?" I chuckled. She was still young, but not young like Frisk. They were only 8.

"27," I winked. She nodded and kept the questions coming. Soon, we both had an acceptable amount of knowledge about each other. She had a few friends on the surface, but her parents died, and she was stuck living living in an orphanage. She was actually really sweet. I don't know why I ever thought she was dangerous.

"Welp, it's getting late. I think it's time to go. Grillby, put the food on my tab," I said and slid off the bar stool; (Y/N) did the same. I led her outside and started to walk down the path again.

"Umm . . . Sans?" (Y/N) asked. I grinned over at her and asked a patient, "What?" She rubbed her arm and looked over at me. "I don't have a place to stay. Do you know anywhere—"

I cut her off. "No. You're staying at my house. The inn here is kinda expensive . . . and loud." (Y/N) giggled at the last part and nodded her head gratefully. I took her hand, and she smiled, and I smiled back. I nodded my head in the direction of mine and Papyrus's house, and she followed. She skipped along behind me until we reached the house. I opened the door for her. She gave me an adorable grin and walked inside.

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked inside to find a cozy-looking house with Sans following closely behind. A green couch sat against a wall with a window above it to the left with a TV sitting against the wall in front of the couch. A large table sat immediately to the right of the door. A light and dark brown checkered sliding door stood proudly in front. On the second floor, two doors led farther into the house. I looked around the small yet cozy house, and Sans watched me intently.

"You and Papyrus have a nice house," I complimented Sans. He shrugged and sat on the couch. "Thanks, kid, but it's nothing too special." He patted the spot next to him, and I sat on the couch on the indicated spot. He turned on the TV and sat back comfortably in the couch, and I did the same. He turned towards me, but before he could say anything, the door swung open with a loud thud, and a tall skeleton walked inside. Sans turned towards the sound without a hint of surprise on his face and smiled lazily. "Sup, Papyrus?" Sans said, his chin resting on the arm of the couch and his arms hanging out on the other side. My smile dropped, and my eyes widened in surprise. I turned and hid behind Sans. He glanced down at me questioningly but looked back up when Papyrus started to speak.

"HELLO, SANS. I JUST CAME BACK FROM WORK. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Papyrus said in a voice higher than Sans's. Sans looked back at me with sympathy in his gaze. He wrapped his arm around me and looked back up at Papyrus.

"Hey, bro, another human fell down today, and they need a place to stay," Sans said hugging me tighter. I glanced worriedly from Sans to Papyrus. Papyrus's eyes widened when he saw me; I shrank down a little at his stare.

"B-BROTHER, WE COULD TAKE THEIR SOUL SO WE DON'T TAKE FRISK'S AND ESCAPE!" Papyrus told him, gesturing to me when I was mentioned. I shrank down further, and Sans held tighter. Sans stopped smiling and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No. (Y/N) is a friend. We can't take her SOUL," Sans spoke firmly. Papyrus was baffled by Sans' tone and raised an eyebrow. (I know they don't have actual eyebrows, but they have bones where the eyebrows should be. I don't feel like saying, "eyebrow-bone" every time. You get the idea!) I started to panic. Did this mean Papyrus wanted to kill me?! I snuggled deep into Sans's jacket and hoped for the best.

"(Y/N)? SANS, I THOUGHT WE AGREED THAT WE'D TAKE THE SOUL OF THE NEXT HUMAN THAT FALLS DOWN HERE SO WE DON'T USE FRISK'S AND BREAK THE BARRIER," Papyrus complained. My eyes widened and struggled from Sans's grip, finally escaping and backing up until I touched the back of a wall. My breathing grew shallower when Sans frowned at Papyrus and crept toward me.

"Kid, I'm not gonna hurt ya. You don't need to be scared," Sans said in a soothing voice. I shook my head and glanced back up at Papyrus; he looked confused and a little sorry at the same time. Papyrus started to approach when I lifted my hand. The little white dots in Sans's eyes shrunk down. "Kid, don't—" Sans tried to say but was cut off when I summoned a thick sheet of ice, separating me from the two skeletons. Sans scrambled back and muttered something under his breath when Papyrus ran over to him and ran back towards the door with Sans in his arms. Papyrus's right eye started glowing orange while Sans's eyes went black.

"YOU JUST TRIED TO KILL MY BROTHER!" Papyrus screeched at me and glowing orange bones surrounded me.

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