Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV

I closed my eyes and braced myself for pain, but it never came, and blue started glowing under my eyelids. I opened them, and blue bones were jutting from the ground, and the orange ones disappeared. I looked up to find Sans's left eye glowing blue with his arm stretched out in my direction. Papyrus was staring down at his brother when Sans rose and turned towards him and backed towards me.

"Don't hurt (Y/N)," Sans growled at Papyrus. I was astonished. At Grillby's, Sans told me how much he loved his brother and that he would never hurt him. To see Sans rebelling against him now shocked me. Papyrus looked even more shocked.

"S-SANS—" Papyrus said in awe, but Sans's eye glowed brighter.

"You hurt (Y/N), you go through me first," Sans warned Papyrus. Now, I was dumbfounded. Sans barely even knew me, and he was going against his own brother to protect me. Papyrus's skeletal arms dropped to his sides, and his eye stopped glowing. Papyrus actually looked . . . scared. Sans did the same and knelt down by me. "Are ya OK, kid?" I nodded slowly, still staring at Papyrus, him watching us.

Papyrus's POV

I couldn't believe it. My own brother was willing to battle me, not a practice battle, but a real one. I didn't dare fight him. He may only have 1 HP and 1 ATK, but he was incredibly strong with his magic. I've learned this from the practice battles we've done. His attacks were poisonous, and he knew how to use his attacks to lower your HP by great amounts. I backed off, and my eye stopped glowing, and he did the same. He knelt down by the human and started to calm them down. I sighed and looked down at my feet. He agreed that we would take the SOUL of the next human who fell down so we didn't have to use Frisk's. I don't like killing and neither does my brother, but we'd do it if necessary. I looked back up to see Sans holding the human tightly and staring at me cautiously. I can't kill the human now: Sans had already attached.

"So, (Y/N) is a friend now?" I asked. Sans loosened up and nodded. I nodded back in understanding.

Sans's POV

Papyrus walked into the kitchen without a second glance. I couldn't believe what I'd just done. I rebelled against my own brother. I may be older, but Papyrus usually was the more responsible one around here. I used to be when we were younger, and I had to look after the both of us. I guess I just grew lazier once I realized that we could defend ourselves without each other's help. I know we agreed to take the next human's SOUL, so Papyrus, Frisk, and I could live happily together on the surface, but I couldn't bring myself to kill (Y/N). God, I'm such a softy. I grow attached too easily. Who couldn't be friends with the kid? She reminded me of Frisk—sweet, cute, and funny. I squeezed her tighter and looked down at her. She looked back up at me with wide eyes.

"Yo-you just w-went against y-your brother!" (Y/N) stammered. I could see why she was shocked. I stared at her with sympathy and gave her a hug.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, (Y/N). Not even Papyrus," I murmured into her ear. She sighed and hugged back.

(Y/N)'s POV

I buried my face into Sans's fur-lined hood. He was such a good friend. He was even willing to go against his brother just to protect me. We let go, and he stood up. I was still shaken up, so I held onto his arm. He grinned down at me and went into the kitchen. Inside, Papyrus was glumly cooking spaghetti. Sans walked up to him and started to rub his back.

"There will always be another time," Sans murmured to his brother. Papyrus nodded and continued to stir the noodles in the pot. I felt like I should say something, but I couldn't think of anything. I was frozen to the spot. Sans was still next to his brother, whispering to him, "You know you couldn't kill a human. I can't either, not after how nice Frisk was." Papyrus let out a long sigh and nodded his head slowly. Sans creased his eyebrows and patted Papyrus on the back once more and turned towards me.

"Do you know how to cook, kid?" Sans asked me softly. I nodded, and he nudged me closer to Papyrus. "Maybe you two should get to know each other better. Besides, it would become awkward after a while if you stayed in a house without talking to each other." My eyes widened a little, and I looked up at Sans. He must have noticed my hesitation because he knelt down by me. "I wouldn't make you talk to him if I knew he would do something," Sans reassured me. I nodded, and he stood back up and put his hands in his pockets. "I'll be here if something happens, which I highly doubt will." I turned towards Papyrus and peeked into his pot.

"Oh, hello, human," Papyrus mumbled. I glanced back at Sans, who gave me a thumbs-up for a split second and turned back towards Papyrus.

"Can I help you make spaghetti?" I asked gently. His eyes seemed to brighten at my request and nodded his head.

Time Skip, suckas!

Once Papyrus and I finished the spaghetti, Sans set the table, and I served the pasta. Papyrus seemed more at ease with my presence, which was a start. Once we were all seated, Sans flashed me a hopeful look and motions to Papyrus without his brother noticing. I winked and started eating, Papyrus and Sans following soon after. Sans's eyes widened, and he looked down at his plate of spaghetti. That could either be really good or really bad.

"Sans?" I asked warily. Papyrus picked up on my tone and looked over at his brother.

Sans stared at his spaghetti for a few more seconds and looked at me and Papyrus with hearts in his eyes. "You both are master chefs. This is the best thing I've ever eaten." Sans complimented.

Papyrus squealed with delight, and I shrugged. "I didn't do much," I said easily and started to pat Papyrus's shoulder. "Master Chef Papyrus did most of it. I just gave him some tips." Sans smiled my way and mouthed thank you. I gave a small nod, and we all continued to eat.

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