Chapter 16

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(Y/N)'s POV

I ran back over to the battleground where I found nothing but footprints where everyone was jumping around trying to kill each other and a pile of dust. At the edge of the battlegrounds though, there were footsteps that were leaving the area and heading in the direction of Snowdin Forest. Frisk! I sprinted over to the footprints and started to follow them. Buildings, more piles of dust, and trees were blurs around me as I ran. The doors to the Ruins were in front of me where the footprints led off to. The doors were cracked open. I squeezed through the gap and jogged down the long, dark hallway and up the stairs where light broke through the sea of darkness. I heard sobbing to the left, and I followed the sound. I soon found myself in a cozy bedroom, but the coziness I felt when entering the room dissipated once I saw a heap of dust in the middle of the room. Frisk was sitting in front of the pile with two glowing, yellow buttons saying, "RESET" and "CANCEL". If I was correct, Frisk was just about to RESET the whole timeline. If they RESET, doesn't that mean that Chara and Flowey would come back and all of Sans's effort and injuries would go to waste?

"Frisk, no!" I yelled and pushed them out of the way of the words. Frisk jumped in surprise and tumbled to the left, the words disappearing. "Frisk, you can't RESET. If you do, then Chara and Flowey'll come back with their powers." They tilted their head in confusion. I remembered that they were passed out during the part where Sans destroyed Flowey and Chara's powers and finished them off. I filled them in quite quickly. They hung their head and let out a sigh once I finished. I continued. "I know a lot of monsters are dead, but maybe we can find a way to revive them." Frisk looked up at me hopefully. They wrapped their arms around me in a hug, and I hugged back. I started thinking of ways that we could revive the monsters. I thought about Sans who could probably bring them back. I perked up but slouched back down once I remembered his state. Frisk looked up at me in confusion. "I had an idea but then . . ." I started with a sigh. "Um, I don't think that it'll work right away." I said the second part of my statement slowly, making words as I was going along. That just made Frisk even more confused.

All of a sudden, a determined look spread across their face and they lifted their hands to start signing. "Tell me your idea. I won't laugh." I glanced down at them and smiled. They looked like they weren't going anywhere unless they got an answer.

I said one thing and one thing only, "Sans." Frisk brightened up and smiled. They were up and tugging on my arm with impatience. I shook my head and hung my head with a few tears running down my face. They immediately stopped and crouched by me, signing to me what was wrong. I told them about Sans's condition. They looked horrified once I told them. Frisk looked so guilty. Tears started running down their face, too. I wiped them away and let them lean into me. I hugged back and told them it wasn't their fault; it was Flowey's. I realized I missed what happened right after Sans left to fight and asked them what happened, and they filled me with a detailed story of the battle between Sans and Flowey and Frisk before I came along and what happened afterwards. "Frisk, if anything, you saved Sans. You filled him with DETERMINATION, so he wouldn't die of exhaustion," I told Frisk since they were starting to look teary-eyed during the story. The tears gathering in their eyes finally unleashed, and they sobbed into the crook of my neck while hugging me. I rested my chin on their shoulder, rubbed their back comfortingly, and whispered soothing things in their ear.

After a long time of hugging and crying, we stood up and headed for the door to exit the Ruins. Hand-in-hand, we made our way back to Sans and Papyrus's house. Once there, we pulled open the door and walked inside. We noticed that Sans's eyes were open, but the left one was covered in bandages. His jacket, t-shirt, and shorts were slightly shredded. We went closer to the couch and saw that every inch of his arms, legs, and neck were wrapped in bandages. Sans smiled once he saw us. "How are you doing, Sans?" I asked crouching at the foot of the couch with Frisk following my actions. He looked tired still after the long fight. I really hope he would be OK. I would never forgive myself if he wasn't going to make it. I'm sure Frisk would feel even guiltier because they were being controlled into killing him.

"Welp, I could be better," Sans said wearily. His voice matched how he looked. I glanced behind me and saw Dr. Alphys talking to Papyrus who was watching her intently and nodding every few seconds. Undyne was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, watching everything that was going on. I looked back over to Sans. He had a sad smile on his face. "I never thought a tiny flower could take so much outta me." I heard sniffling to my left and saw Frisk on the verge of tears. Sans noticed and creased his eyebrows in sympathy. "Aw, kid. It wasn't your fault. Come here." Sans beckoned them over with a wave, and Frisk fell into the hug, sobbing into his fur-lined hood. Sans hugged back tightly and closed his eyes while rubbing their back.

"S-sans," Dr. Alphys spoke up. Sans looked up expectantly, still holding Frisk. "you're going t-to have to ta-take it easy, b-both physically a-and with your m-magic." Sans nodded in understanding. Dr. Alphys continued. "O-other than that, y-you'll be fine." The last statement was directed to everyone. Everyone let out their relief in different ways, mostly with sighs. Frisk looked especially relieved, sighing out their worries. Sans and Frisk gave each other another squeeze before letting go. Sans ruffled Frisk's hair, but they didn't bother to straighten it.

Thank God he was alright.

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