Chapter 21/Epilogue

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Third Person POV

The little girl, not so little anymore, laughed as she ran through the house, her pursuer chuckling along with her. She dodged minuscule bones and jumped over a small white dog. She fired snowballs back at her attacker, not landing a single hit. A bone buried itself a dangerous inch above her head but she just giggled, mocked her attacker, and continued to run.

"Don't make me do it, kid," the skeleton warned. He bounced off the wall where he just tried to strike at the girl and sprinted after her, a big smile on his face. In return, he got a raspberry blown at him and a swarm of icicles flying at him. He sighed as he warped himself right in front of the child, making her bump into him and fall to the floor.

She gazed up at him with challenge sparking in her bright (E/C) eyes. "Do it, I dare you," she countered.

Before he could even blink, there was a loud protest in the kitchen that snapped their heads in alarm. Toriel stormed out of the kitchen with her hands on her hips, glaring down at the two. "What did I say about running and doing magic in the house?" Sans started to sweat as he gave off an innocent grin as (Y/N) batted her eyelashes. "Don't give me those looks," Toriel continued.

"We didn't cause any harm," (Y/N) pointed out innocently. Toriel lifted one of her furry eyebrows at her before gesturing to the spot where the skeleton shot a bone into the wall. Sans quickly glanced at the spot where the bone sat halfway dug into the maroon wall. With a quick flash of blue and yellow in his eye socket, the bone was gone and they gazed at a perfectly unharmed wall.

Toriel glared at him harshly, knowing that was his doing. "Sans," she warned. "You still could have damaged something or someone."

"Well, it is my house . . ." Sans started off with a crooked smile. The girl on the ground started laughing as Toriel grew into an even bigger fit. Then, an even bigger skeleton strolled into the fray.

"THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS ALSO MINE, AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS BEHAVIOR, BROTHER!" Papyrus declared. Sans decided not to argue with his little brother and make matters worse. He played it off and told him sorry. Once satisfied, Papyrus marched into the kitchen to start on his lasagne, a new passion of his. Toriel then shooed us away to the living room and joined Papyrus through the sliding door.

Sans sat next to the girl who sadly finally passed him up in height. It was nice when she was the smallest in the family, but of course, that only lasted for a little while. She was only a few inches that she could claim but to him, it felt like feet. They grow up so fast.

Also unfortunately, Mettaton was on TV. Being the smart little girl she was, (Y/N) brought out her computer and opened her writing workshop. Sans pretended to watch the television that showed Mettaton dancing to his new song but he secretly gazed at what the little female was doing. She started off with 'Chapter 1' at the top and went down a few slots then stopped. Her fingertips just grazed the keys as she gazed at the bright screen thoughtfully, her eyebrows knitted together and her lips shifted to the right just barely.

"What's your next big project?" the skeleton asked, genuinely curious.

The girl didn't move from her fixed stare but her eyes met his out of the corner of her lids. "I don't know, but I wanna write," (Y/N) admitted unsurely.

Sans gazed at the screen, clueless as to how this writing gig worked. (Y/N) had big dreams of becoming the Underground's author. She wanted to make stories of many to make all the monsters happy. She was still young but the monsters wouldn't care. Some have already read her work. They thought of her literature as extraordinary and encouraged her to start making books. She has grown so much in so many ways in the matter of two years. Sans sometimes wonders where the time has gone.

(Y/N) then jumped in her seat. "I could write about family!" She exclaimed excitedly. The skeleton tipped his head in thought but the young writer just kept going, rambling off exactly what she would do and exactly which monster would like this story. "I could write about us," she then blurted out.

Sans couldn't help but gawk at her. "You wanna write about this crazy family?"

"Yeah." (Y/N) then clicked on the title of the document she had opened. "I want to write how this family got started," she explained. She then pressed a few keys until the title read 'Most Powerful Monster'.

Sans stared at the title quizzically but didn't question the mastermind. "And how are you going to start this off?"

She screwed her face up in her thoughtful trance for a second before looking at Sans knowingly with those eyes of hers. "Well . . . How about when I fell?"

A/N: Welp, this is the end. I'm sorry if you guys didn't want it to end, but I think it was about time. It's been going on forever XD. But this was actually a lot of fun to write. I really think this helped me write a lot better than I did when I first started. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Until next time.

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