Chapter 7

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(Y/N)'s POV

I opened my eyes to complete darkness. Everywhere I looked was black. I stumbled forward, having chose a random direction to go.

"Sans?" I called out. I didn't get an answer. My breath grew shaky as I called out again. All of a sudden, I heard a demonic chuckle. Now, I wish I didn't get an answer. I held my breath as I saw a familiar buttercup. It grew a face and looked up at me. Flowey. He chuckled again, seeing my eyes widen.

"Howdy. It's me, Flowey, remember? Well, you obviously do," Flowey smiled at me. I made my hands glow white and prepared in case he decided to do anything. Flowey giggled and continued, "Do you REALLY think that will do anything? NO! I'm much more powerful than that, but I see you're capable of protecting yourself, but, apparently, that's not enough. You need that Smiley Trashbag." I frowned at the name Flowey called Sans.

"(Y/N)!" Sans called to me. I swiveled behind me to find the silhouette of Sans with his left eye glowing. I smiled and ran to him.

"Sans! Flowey's here, and I don't know where I am-" I skidded to a halt once I saw what stood before me. It was Sans alright, but he was wrapped in green vines with Flowey sitting on the top of his head. Flowey was just behind me . . . I checked behind me, but he wasn't there anymore. I rested my gaze back on Sans.

"S-Sans . . ." I gasped. Flowey laughed. Sans's eye glowed brighter, and his hand was raised.

"Aw. What's the matter?" Flowey asked, his voice reverberating and his eyes red. I backed up several paces which only made Flowey laugh more. "You IDIOT! Do you really think that you can escape?" Flowey screeched. I raised a great sheet of ice and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Suddenly, I stopped in my traces. I tried to run, but I couldn't move. Just as I feared, I was encased in blue and lifted off the ground. I tried to scramble away, but then, I was jerked left and right, down and up. I was finally thrown onto the ground, pinned with Sans standing inches away from me. I started to cry.

"Sans, please . . . Please don't kill me," I sobbed. Sans stared down at me, his pupils returning normal and a tear trickling down his face.

"I-I'm so s-sorry," Sans replied in a shaky voice. Flowey started to laugh and Sans's left eye started to glow again.

"Wow, I'm impressed. I'm surprised he even snapped out of it for a second," Flowey smirked. Sans summoned a few bones, aiming towards me. "but you got to do a little better than that. After all, I have possessed the most powerful monster in the Underground." The bones flew towards me, and I screamed as they impaled me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up screaming. I jolted forward, holding my head and crying. There was a frantic banging on the bedroom door, but I didn't open it. I was too traumatized to do anything. Suddenly, the door burst into splinters with a gigantic skull shooting a blue beam out of its mouth. Sans stood directly behind it with his hand extended and his left eye glowing blue. I screamed again and summoned a wall of ice to replace the door. Sans didn't even try to break it down this time. Instead, the skull disappeared, and his eye stopped glowing. A look of concern spread across his face.

"S-Sans, stay away!" I yelled at him. His face turned to shock at my statement.

"(Y-Y/N), calm down. I'm not gonna hurt ya, kid," Sans tried to reassure me. I raised my hands, both glowing white.

"Where's Flowey?" I demanded.

Sans's expression grew surprised even more, even to the point of his pupils almost disappearing. Sans backed away from the doorway, looking around warily. "F-Flowey? (Y/N) what are you talking about? Flowey isn't here. It's just Papyrus and me," Sans stuttered. My hands lowered, one of them waving the ice away. Sans entered slowly, I watched his movements carefully, my breathing and heart rate not yet normal. Sans sat at the edge of the bed, still slightly shocked. "Didja have a nightmare?" Sans asked carefully. I thought back to what I saw and nodded, tears running out of the corners of my eyes. Sans pulled me into a hug, and I cried into his sleeve. Sans patted my back and muttered it's gonna be OK. He let go, and I sniffled and wiped away my tears with my sleeve. "Do you wanna share?" Sans murmured. I looked up at him and nodded. I recalled my nightmare to him in great detail.

Once I was finished, his eyes went black, and his smile dropped. After a while, his eyes went back to normal and he chuckled a little. "'Most powerful monster in the Underground', huh? Well, at least he realizes that. Finally, the many times I made him RESET knocked the idea into his head." I was confused. RESET? What in the world does that mean. "You don't know what RESETS are? I guess that means you don't have that power. Well, the name basically explains itself: you reset time," Sans explained, intertwining his hands together; his gaze far away. "Every single human that came down here had the power, including Flowey. During a few timelines, Flowey himself was killing people." I got more confused when he mentioned timelines. Sans noticed and chuckled. "I have to explain timelines, too? OK, timelines happen when someone RESETS. For example, Flowey was sparing monsters when he first came here. Later, he RESET and started to kill everyone, creating a timeline." I nodded in apprehension. "So, with that explained, when Flowey started killing people, I decided I had to try and stop him or die trying," Sans's eyes went black when he mentioned the last part, but they returned to normal in a second. "I killed him every time we confronted. He was never able to beat me." I was amazed. All I could do was stare at him, mouth hanging open. He chuckled at my expression.

"Does anybody else but Flowey know about this?" I asked. His smile faded.

After a few seconds, he shook his head. "No. No one else knows. I'm the only one that knows about this. Actually, I'm the only one that knows about timelines and RESETS except for the other humans and Flowey," Sans answered. I looked up at him, new recognition for him shining in my eyes.

"It's probably really cool to be the most powerful monster in the Underground," I claimed. Sans looked over at me with sad eyes. I took that as a no.

"Being really powerful has its pros and cons," Sans confessed. "A con that I especially hate is the fact that I can remember all the timelines, especially the ones where everyone dies. Another one is the constant fear of a repeat of a bad timeline. Right now, I have a bad feeling about this one."

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