Chapter 14

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Sans's POV

My body shuddered as I watched Sans kill monster after monster. I frequently tried to force Flowey out of my head, but I couldn't. I don't know why I couldn't. The extra DETERMINATION should've helped me. I guess I couldn't focus. I winced as Snowdrake screamed before disintegrating into dust. My face was drenched with tears. I couldn't take it anymore. Sans was starting to get tired; sweat dripped from his skull. Desperation was clawing at me. I had to keep trying. I narrowed my eyes and focused on Sans. I picked out Flowey's consciousness and pulled. It wavered, so I kept pulling. I heard another monster scream, but I continued to pull Flowey out of my head. I was so close. Flowey was a little more than halfway gone when I heard a familiar yell. I lost my focus and turned towards the yell. (Y/N) was at the top of a hill staring at Sans incredulously. Flowey and Frisk grinned up at her.

"So, Elsa showed up," Flowey snickered mockingly, Frisk joining in. I gritted my teeth as I stared up at (Y/N). I shouldn't have unlocked the house. I would never forgive myself if she died because of me. (Y/N)'s face hardened as she stared at Flowey.

"So, the weed can actually do something besides stalking people and sprouting up in random places," (Y/N) taunted back. Flowey rolled his eyes at the remark. (Y/N) continued, "Why do this? Why make people suffer for no reason? Couldn't we just find a way to break down the barrier and be free? And couldn't we find a way to change you back to Asriel?" Flowey's eyes widened at the last question; Frisk's, too. They stared at each other before bursting out laughing. (Y/N) gazed back at them confused.

"Yo-you really think I'd want to change into that WEAKLING!?" Flowey choked out between laughs. This was the perfect time. With all the strength I had, I pushed Flowey's consciousness out of my body. I was back. I ripped the vines off of me, spun around with my eye glowing, and backed over to (Y/N) protectively. Flowey and Frisk stopped laughing. Flowey started shaking furiously.

"You really shouldn't let your guard down, weed," I said, raising my hand. I laughed as I launched myself at Flowey. I saw that (Y/N) sprung at Frisk. I waved my hand, and bones followed. They rocketed at him, but he dodged. His vines swung one after the other, clawing at me. I teleported away, reappearing behind him. I summoned another long bone and pierced it through the top petal. He screamed as he was pinned down, unable to move. Before the attack could kill him, I reached out to his empty SOUL and grabbed it. I focused on his RESET power, yanking it out of him. A glowing, yellow ball appeared in front of me. I gave it a cold stare before I called on another Gaster Blaster and disintegrated it. The poison in my attack finally kicked in and turned Flowey to dust. I started gasping for breath. I fell to my knees and supported myself with my hands. That took a lot out of me. I didn't even know I could do that. To my relief, I saw (Y/N) had Frisk pinned. I didn't know she had that in her. Now that's my sister! With the rest of the strength I had, I stood and towered over Frisk.

Frisk saw me and growled. "Go to Hell!"

I shut my eyes halfway, not amused. I then smirked as I thought of a comeback. "Sorry, kid. I ran out of vacation days." I shrugged and winked at them. They scowled. I frowned as I summoned their SOUL out in front of me. It was completely black. I focused on Chara and pulled her out of Frisk's consciousness. Frisk passed out cold. A girl that looked exactly like Frisk but with open, red eyes, a green sweater with a single thick, yellow stripe running across the middle horizontally, brown pants, and was surrounded with a red outline. Chara. I made eye contact with (Y/N) and flicked my white pin-pricks for eyes over to Chara and back to (Y/N). She seemed to understand because a sheet of ice knocked Chara over before she could do anything and pressed itself onto her, immobilizing the demon. I stared long and hard at her before summoning her pitch black SOUL to me. I focused on the RESET power and ERASE power she owned and yanked them out of her. The RESET power glowed as a bright yellow ball while the ERASE power glowed as a bright red ball. I was wheezing for breath by then. I clenched my teeth and narrowed my eyes. With the last of my strength and power, I summoned a Gaster Blaster and destroyed the powers. I fell to my knees but before I gave out, I punched upwards and a bone shot through Chara's chest. She stared in horror at her health bar. It diminished, causing her to turn her to dust. I coughed before I passed out in the snow.

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